2024 Sorachi District Small Block Workshop in Kita Sorachi District, 2024 "Health Promotion for the Elderly and Hokuryu Town's Efforts" and "Attractive and Shining Hokuryu Town" 2 lectures were held.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The "FY2024 Sorachi District Small Block Workshop" was held on August 28 (Wed.) from 1:30 p.m. in the main hall (2nd floor) of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center.

2024 Sorachi District North Sorachi Prefectural Small Block Workshop

令和6年度 空知地区北空知管内小ブロック研修会
2024 Sorachi District North Sorachi Prefectural Small Block Workshop

Forty-four leaders from each of the federations of senior citizens' clubs in one city and five towns in the Kita-Sorachi region participated (seven from Fukagawa City, five from Imoseguro, four from Chichibubetsu, two from Numata, seven from Amaryu, and 19 from Hokuryu).

The training lectures were entitled "Health Promotion in Old Age and Hokuryu Town's Efforts" and were given by Nahoko Uchida, Section Chief, Care Prevention Section, Resident Division, Hokuryu Town Hall, and Megumi Murai, Section Chief, Community Welfare Section, Hokuryu Town Council of Social Welfare. Noboru Terauchi and Ikuko Terauchi, portal administrators of Hokuryu Town, gave a lecture titled "Shining Charm of Hokuryu Town.

  • Sponsored by:Hokuryu-cho Himawari Longevity Association
       (1 club, 493 members: 227 men and 266 women)
  • Co-sponsored by:Hokkaido Federation of Senior Citizens' Clubs
  • Sponsorship:Hokuryu Town

point (e.g. of a statement)

The purpose of the workshop for leaders of senior citizens' clubs is to deepen activities, information exchange, and mutual interaction among federations of senior citizens' clubs in one city and five towns in Kita Sorachi, and to promote cooperation among federations of senior citizens' clubs in one city and five towns and to develop and promote activities of senior citizens' clubs in each area, aiming for a "community symbiotic society" where they can support each other.

General Moderator: Michito Nakamura, Executive Director, Hokuryu-cho Himawari Longevity Association (Executive Director, Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare)

北竜町ひまわり長寿会連合会・中村道人 事務局長(北竜町社会福祉協議会 事務局長)
Hokuryu-cho Himawari Longevity Association, Michito Nakamura, Executive Director (Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare, Executive Director)

Organizer's Remarks: Chairman Koji Kawada, Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Association of Longevity Groups

北竜町ひまわり長寿会連合会 川田浩二会長
Chairman Koji Kawada, Federation of Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Longevity Association

I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit Hokuryu Town today.

The Sorachi District Sub-Block Workshop in Kita-Sorachi, which had been interrupted by the new Corona, was revived last year in Fukagawa City, and this year it was the duty of Hokuryu Town.

Today, our country is facing a declining birthrate, an aging society, a declining population, a weak yen, and other long-term economic downturns.

To give an example, in the Kita Sorachi area, the discontinuation of the JR railroad line and the withdrawal of the Chuo bus system have resulted in inconvenience in securing transportation to and from medical facilities and for shopping for daily necessities.

For those who have already voluntarily surrendered their driver's licenses, or for those of us older people who will have to consider surrendering our licenses at some point in the future, the recent reality is that the uncertainty of our lives has suddenly increased.

In the midst of this situation, and I am sure it is the same in every municipality, the new mayor of Hokuryu Town, Mr. Sasaki, who is participating in the meeting, is seriously addressing these issues, and our high expectations are growing.

This is the third year of the gap between the three years of the Corona Disaster and the second year of its resurgence, but exchange is the main activity. Although the time we have today is limited, we hope that this workshop will be of some help to you.

With these remarks, I would like to open the meeting. Thank you very much."

Guest Speech: Yasuhiro Sasaki, Mayor of Hokuryu Town

北竜町長 佐々木康宏様
Mr. Yasuhiro Sasaki, Mayor of Hokuryu Town

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I am very happy to see some very senior people here at the venue today who have been very kind to us. Thank you very much for welcoming us.

The town of Hokuryu held the Sunflower Festival until last week, and it was so crowded that there was a traffic jam throughout the town. There are many people I met at that time. Thank you for coming to see the sunflowers in our town. Thank you again.

Many of you who have been working with us for a long time in various areas as the Executive Director, and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the Secretariat.

I was appointed Mayor of the town in February of this year. I was looking forward to this year's event, including its content. Mr. and Mrs. Terauchi, who will be giving a lecture today, are also my classmates (in the same grade), and they have been sending me various information.

Whether I am 67, 77, or 88 years old, my feelings are the same, and I will continue to work hard and positively, with a big smile and a cheerful heart like a sunflower.

I used to feel uncomfortable with the name "Mere Old Man" of the "Hokuryu-cho Senior Citizens Club" and asked them to change the name because you are not "Mere Old Man". Since then, we have changed the name to "Sunflower Longevity Association". Thank you very much.

Today's lecturer, Ms. Uchida, a public health nurse, is a very interesting person, and Ms. Murai is also a wonderful speaker.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to Hokuryu Town. Please give my best regards. Thank you very much for your time today."

Mayor Sasaki left the meeting at this point due to official business.

Training 1: Lecture "Health Promotion in Aging and Initiatives in Hokuryu Town

  • Nahoko Uchida, Section Chief, Long-Term Care Prevention Section, Resident Division, Hokuryu Town Hall
  • Community Welfare Section, Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare, Megumi Murai, Section Chief
北竜町役場 住民課介護予防係・内田奈保子 係長、北竜町社会福祉協議会 地域福祉係・村井恵 係長
Nahoko Uchida, Section Chief, Care and Prevention Section, Resident Division, Hokuryu Town Hall; Megumi Murai, Section Chief, Community Welfare Section, Hokuryu Town Council of Social Welfare
Lecture "Health Promotion in Aging and Initiatives in Hokuryu Town"
  • Nahoko Uchida, Section Chief, Long-Term Care Prevention Section, Resident Division, Hokuryu Town Hall

Physical Changes in the Elderly

  • As we age, the body undergoes changes in which internal organs shrink and function less and less
  • Arteriosclerosis is seen in blood vessels throughout the body and blood vessels become narrower, thus reducing the supply of enzymes and influences to organs. (Shortness of breath, high blood pressure, lethargy, constipation, diarrhea, osteoporosis, and other symptoms occur.)

Health Promotion in Aging

  1. Exercise (physical exercise): Reduce sitting time and move frequently to do housework, etc.
    Walking and strength training to strengthen muscles
  2. Nutrition (diet): maintain weight, note a loss of 2 kg or more in 6 months.
    Eat three meals a day (rice as a staple meal, main dish (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), side dish (vegetables, seaweed, mushrooms, etc.))
    Protein (meat, fish, eggs, soy products, dairy products), which is the basis of muscles, at each meal
  3. Oral care: Brush teeth after every meal and before bed to keep mouth clean.
    Move mouth often (talking, mouth exercises)
    Regular checkups every three to six months
  4. Checking for diseases and preventing serious illnesses: health checkups and medical examinations
    If you have a chronic disease, manage it in cooperation with your primary physician.
  5. Appropriate medication (no smoking, proper alcohol consumption)
    Manage duplicates, combinations, etc. at the family pharmacy.
    Drink alcohol only moderately (the daily allowance for the elderly is about one 350-meter can of beer).
  6. Social participation (interaction with others)
    Going out at least once a day
    ∙ Interact with people at least once a week (phone calls, emails, letters)
    Social participation once a month (hobbies, volunteer work, community activities)

Initiatives in Hokuryu Town

  1. Visit to 75: Public health nurses in charge of the district visit and explain the situation.
    Shift in health mindset from "metabolic syndrome" to "prevention of frailty
    Frail is a state in which resistance to stress declines with age, making it difficult to recover. (A state of physical weakness, fatigue, and physical and mental deterioration.)
  2. Genki! MORIMORI Exercise Class
    Held every Tuesday for one hour in two areas of town. Exercise class with fun and laughter.
  3. Orange Cafe (Dementia Cafe)
    Began operations in 2024.
    Weekly fun activities such as chatting and brain training on the theme of dementia
  4. Men's cooking classes, healthy courses
    Healthy courses are held on lifestyle-related diseases and learn about healthy recipes.

6 helpers are working for the Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare.

  • Community Welfare Section, Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare, Megumi Murai, Section Chief
Six helpers from the Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare are active!
  1. morning glory club
    You can come any time you want and leave any time you want!
    Morning: Rice Power exercises, songs, games, brain training printouts (3 per person)
    Afternoon: Diamond Game
  2. Cosmos Club
    Conducted every Tuesday and Friday
    Conducted twice a year physical fitness measurement: Occupational therapist from Fukagawa City Hospital evaluated in the community rehabilitation project.
    Shopping support: Once a month, visits are made to Cocowa, Seicomart, Hokuryu Onsen, and Minoricchi Hokuryu.
    Events: Once a month, field day, mini fair, tour of Himawari no Sato, making artwork to be exhibited at a cultural festival, etc.

    Hokuryu Town Portal

    March 7, 2024 (Thu) On Tuesday, March 5, the Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare (Chairman: Takeshi Yamamoto) held a "Cosmos Club Activity" craft le...

    Hokuryu Town Portal

    August 19, 2021 (Thu) On Wednesday, August 18 at 14:00, the Hokuryu-cho Social Welfare Association (Chairman: Takeshi Yamamoto) will hold the "Cosmos...

    Hokuryu Town Portal

    August 31, 2020 (Mon) On August 27 (Thu), the Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare (Chairman Hitoshi Takebayashi)...

    The Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare (Chairman: Hitoshi Takebayashi) has been holding the December event "Christmas...

  3. Elderly welfare services
    Telephone service, transportation service, meal delivery service, laundry service, etc.

Exercise Experience

Everyone experienced gymnastics!
Physical exercise experience by moving hands and feet!

Training 2: Lecture "Shining Charm of Hokuryu Town" by Noboru Terauchi & Ikuko Terauchi, Hokuryu Town Portal Operation Manager

Noboru Terauchi, Hokuryu Town Portal Operations Manager