Hokuryu Town in Kita Sorachi, Hokkaido, is a town of approximately 1,600 residents who cherish the idea that "food is life" and provide safe and secure food.
The Hokuryu Town Portal is celebrating its 15th year since it was first run by a husband and wife team. It is a site that uses text, photos and videos to convey the emotions felt by the people of Hokuryu who encounter the "spirit of harmony, compassion and joy" that they hold dear in their daily lives. The goal is to spread the circle of "empathy for joy" to people all over the world. (January 7, 2025)

Yasuhiro Sasaki Mayor aims toSmall but Bright City DevelopmentWe will send out

  • March 3, 2025

[Hokuryu Town provides "welfare kerosene subsidy"] Sorachi kerosene exceeds 130 yen for the first time Local governments also provide their own subsidies [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital]

2025年3月3日(月) 北海道新聞社(札幌市)が運営するインターネットサイト【北海道新聞デジタル】に、「空知の灯油、初の130円超え 各自治体、独自補助も」の記事(2月28日付け)が掲載されています […]

  • March 3, 2025

A cooking class in Hokuryu with a nutritionist as the instructor, cooking "Locally produced recipes you'll want to eat this spring" [Kita Sorachi Shimbun]

2025年3月3日(月) 北空知新聞社(深川市)が運営するインターネットサイト【北空知新聞】に、「栄養士を講師に迎え、『この春食べたい地産地消レシピ』調理 北竜で料理教室」の記事(3月1日付け)が掲載 […]

  • March 3, 2025

[Taking wedding anniversary photos at the sunflower fields in Hokuryu Town] Where will Jun Soejima, the popular man with his afro hair, end his trip? [San-tatsu by Walking Expert]

2025年3月3日(月) 株式会社交通新聞社(東京都)が運営するインターネットサイト【さんたつ by 散歩の達人】に、「お茶の間の人気者、アフロでおなじみの副島淳が旅の締めに行ってしまうところは?」の […]