Wednesday, February 5, 2020
On February 3 (Mon.), Setsubun day, "Hoshi Matsuri Prayer Meeting and Setsubun Exorcism" was held at Kotokuji Temple in Hokuryu-cho. Koyasan Shingon Sect's Koutokuji Temple in Hokuryu-cho is the ninth of the 88 sacred places in Hokkaido.
sign (e.g. roadside, in park, etc.)
Hoshimatsuri Prayer Meeting, Setsubun Exorcism

Koutokuji Temple, the ninth sacred place in the 88 sacred places in Hokkaido

the main temple building
In the main hall, many worshippers gathered to pray for good health, safety in the home, and traffic safety by burning away their worries with goma (fire) prayers.

Ryuo Mizuhara, Resident, speaks

People are born with a certain star and have good or bad luck depending on the year. Those who have no luck are asked to visit the temple, and those who have great luck are asked to protect it so that it does not loose its opening. I will do the goma-burning and my wife will recite the Hannya Shingyo sutra. Everyone will chant the Heart Sutra together, three times," said the priest.
Heart Sutra

Bussetsu tsama ka hannya haramitā shinkyō
Kanjizaibosatsu Bodhisattva, when you do the prajna-paramita, you will see all the skies of the five skandhas.
(Kanzai Zaimusha Boshi Gyojin Hanja Haramitta Ji Shiken Kankoku Kaikan Kuukai)
The world is a world of pain and suffering.
(one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only, one-time only)
Emptiness is color, and thought, action, and perception are all the same.
(Air speed ze style, Juvenile Protection Industry style, Yakuza ze style, Yakuza ze, Zesho ze, Air Traffic Control style)
Immortality, immortality, immaculateness, immortality, immortality, immortality, immortality, immortality, immortality, immortality, immortality
(Non-supporting, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent, non-existent)
colorless, colorless, thoughtless, actionless, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and will colorless, voice, smell, taste, and touchless
The world of the blind, the world of the unconscious, and the world of the unseeing and the unknowable
(The Association of the Immortals, The Immortal Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer)
No matter how old one is or how old one dies, no matter how much suffering one gathers or how much one loses, no matter how much wisdom one acquires, no matter how much gain one gains, no matter how much pain one suffers
(No one is better off than the yakuza, and no one is worse off than the yakuza.)
Since there is no income, Bodhisattva
(Imu mushi gomu ko bodai satsuta hannya hamaramitako)
The mind is unhindered by obstacles, and therefore there is no fear, no fear of being far away from everything, no fear of falling into a dream
(The mind is a mind, the body a mind, the mind a mind, the mind a mind, the mind a mind, the mind a mind, the mind a mind.)
After all, nirvana is the end of nirvana, and all the Buddhas in the three worlds are the result of prajna-paramita.
(Airline industry, the three-way sales company, the three-way sales company, the three-way sales company, the three-way sales company, and the three-way sales company)
obtain anuttara samyak sambodhi anuttara samyak sambodhi nakati prajna paramita (supreme perfect enlightenment)
(Toku ano kutara sannya sambodhi kochi hananya hamaramitta)
This is the great god's curse.
(Zedaimujinsha, Zedaimu Myojinsha, Zemudai Myojinsha, Zemuto Myojinsha, Zemuto Todo Shakai)
The truth is false, and the truth is not false.
(The first paragraph of the "Sacred Heart" section is a statement of the "Sacred Heart".)
Sesshutsu Juhi Jikkyo Jikkyo Hara Jikkyo Hara Monk Jikkyo Hara Monk Jikkyo Hara Monk Jikkyo
(quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire, quick-fire)
Bodhisattva Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
Gokamochi (Johrei, no illness)
In front of the temple is a foot-shaped shaft representing the Indian Lord Shakyamuni (from the 4th century A.D.). You are asked to join hands with it and walk through the front of the building.
Before entering the gomadan, Honorary Chief Priest Takanori Mizuhara performs a blessing (Johrei, no illness) on each person's body.
After that, you will pass by the gomadan, bathe in the smoke from the rising flames, and pray for good health for the year ahead," explained the priest.

burning (offer) incense

homa stick
The priest throws gomagi into the flames of the gomadan and prays for good health, safety in the home, and traffic safety.

Mistress chanting a mantra

Mr. Koji Inoue plays the taiko drum to the beat of the prayer and performs the service.

Mantra of Fudo Myoo
Everyone chants the Gomyo-o Mantra of Fudo Myoo together.
"In the makura, three mountains, a bazaradan, a sen, a makarosha, a sowata, an uttarata, a kanman."
Goho: Namu Daishi Hensho-Kongo

The chief priest said, "Chanting the Buddhist prayer is a way to purify your body, so I hope that everyone will chant and visit with me as hard as they can until the very end.
scattering parched beans (to drive
We are now going to hold the "Bean-throwing Ceremony. We say, "Fuku wa in, Oni wa out," but the "Oni" also exists in our own hearts. We will throw beans to drive out "bad feelings" so that we do not become the heart of an ogre.
The beans were given to us by many people, and my mother and wife roasted them in the oven to make delicious roasted beans," said the priest.
The beans are scattered as "fuku-mame" and everyone picks up every single bean. The beans are scattered as "fuku-mame," or "lucky beans," and everyone picks up every last bean. With this wish, everyone picks up every single bean.

After the bean-throwing ceremony, a fun raffle was held.

wooden tag
A wooden plaque with what appears to be the Seven Deities of Good Fortune is marked on it.

Lots of raffle prizes prepared!

This one hit the spot!

Janken Pong for everyone!
Rock, paper, scissors for the remaining special prize!

The last distribution of the money!

I wish you all a healthy, trouble-free, and better year with this Hoshimatsuri visit.
As a mental attitude, even if you are injured or ill, the best way to live a happy life is to have a humble feeling that you are glad you did not suffer a serious injury or illness.
May it be a good year with many blessings for all of you!!!!" and prays for everyone's happiness.

On Setsubun, the day of the change of seasons, we drive away evil spirits,
I wish you a happy and healthy year with good fortune.
With love, gratitude and prayers for the wonderful Kotokuji goma prayer meeting.

More Photos
interpoint (interword separation)Click here for 84 photos of Koutokuji Temple >>
Koutokuji Temple
3-1 Aza-Nishikawa, Hokuryu-cho, Amaryu-gun, Hokkaido
Tel: 0164-34-2055
Dainichi Nyorai
Sacred Place of Repose] Shakyamuni Buddha
Reference pageTemple No. 9 Gochisan Koutokuji Temple
◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi