2023 Autumn Festival at Shinryu-jinja Shrine - Fair held! Children's smiling faces will make you smile!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

On September 9 (Sat), the day of the Shinryu Shrine Autumn Festival, the Hokuryu Construction Association and the Hokuryu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women's Club held a fair on the premises of Shinryu Shrine from 3 pm.

Shinryu Shrine Autumn Festival

真龍神社 秋季例大祭
Shinryu Shrine Autumn Festival

Quiet atmosphere in the precincts of the temple

Quiet atmosphere in the precincts of the temple

We worship firmly, giving thanks for the blessings of autumn and praying for good health!

Worship in thanksgiving for the blessings of autumn and prayers for good health.

After visiting the shrine, enjoy the food stalls!

Food stalls will sell homemade crepes, frankfurters, yakitori, tropical shoots, etc. Games such as raffles and die-cutting will also be available!

Food stalls for your enjoyment


What kind of eraser will I win?

Lottery draw!

die cutting

In the "katagunashi" game, players use a needle to hollow out a mold on a board of confectionery, and if they can successfully hollow out the mold without breaking it, they receive a prize.

cookie cutter candy

Do you think you can cut it out well?

I wish you the best!

Families came one after another, and the precincts were crowded with people!

The members of the Hokuryu Construction Industry Association in charge of the game!
Thank you for a pleasant time!

Thank you for a pleasant time!

Lovely Chamber of Commerce Women's Club!
Thank you for the delicious food!

Lovely Chamber of Commerce Women's Club!

Frankfurters topped with ketchup & mustard!


Making delicious grapes!

homemade crepe

In charge of selling yakitori and frankfurters!

Yakitori and frankfurters for sale

Enjoy your time with your family.

Enjoy your time with your family.

A fun conversation with a grandson begging for grandma and grandpa.

The grandchildren begging grandma and grandpa for a good conversation.

Feeling the sacred spirit and air of the Chinju Forest.

Feeling the sacred spirit and air of the Chinju Forest.

We wish you a wonderful fair, filled with fun, delicious food, and smiles, with endless love, gratitude, and prayers.

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)