Straw craft group "Nukura" circle activities, December 18 (Sun.): hands-on experience of making shimenawa (sacred straw ropes)!

Monday, November 28, 2022

On December 18 (Sun.), a straw craft workshop "Shime-nawa making workshop" will be held at the Hokuryu-cho commercial revitalization facility "Cocowa" hosted by the Hokuryu-cho straw craft group "Nakura" (Representative: Ms. Katsura Tanimoto).

December 18 (Sun.) Hands-on shimenawa making event

  • Date and time :Sunday, December 18, 2022 from 13:30 and 15:00
        Two sessions will be held (capacity for one session: 15 participants: 5 for making sacred ropes and 10 for making wreaths).
  • Location :Hokuryu Town Commercial Revitalization Facility Cocowa
  • Experience Fee:500 yen
  • Shimeawa:Length that can be displayed on a 60cm-70cm Shinto altar
  • Lease:12cm wreath for Christmas and New Year decorations
  • Nawa-nai:Experience how to twist a rope.
Straw craft workshop "Shime-nawa making workshop

Straw craft group "Nokura" circle activities

Prior to the hands-on experience, the circle activity of the straw craft group "NAKURA" was held on November 27 (Sun.) from 09:30.
Circle activities are held irregularly once or twice a month in the judo room of the community center.

Two students from Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College (Fukagawa City) also participated on the day, bringing the total number of members to about five. Under the guidance of Ms. Katsura Tanimoto and Ms. Kaori Asano, the two-hour session from 9:30 to 11:30 was conducted in a congenial and enjoyable manner.

Straw craft group "Nokura" circle activities
Making shimenawa (sacred straw rope) using rice straw from Hokuryu Town

Nagura Instagram

Launch of the circle "NAKURA

The impetus for the launch of the "Nakura" circle came from Katsura Tanimoto, also a member of the "Tsumugi" circle, who called for the making of "shimenawa (sacred straw ropes).

The "shimenawa-making workshop" began with a request for guidance from Kunimitsu Abe, a Hokuryu Town Board of Education employee with extensive experience in rope-making.

The group name "Nakuura" is an acronym for "natural craft.

Members of "NAKARA

Kunimi Abe (Kunimi Abe, Hokuryu Town Board of Education employee)

We interviewed Kunimi Abe, who will be leading the project.

Kunimi Abe

My family was a farmer in Hokuryu Town, so straw has been around me since I was a child.

I wanted to make things using everyday objects. Instead of using cardboard, plastic, etc., I felt the possibility of giving shape to things found in everyday life.

When I was in college, I wanted to make something using rice straw, so I taught myself through the Internet and other means. I also learned how to make shimenawa (sacred straw rope).

This year, when Mr. Tanimoto learned that I could make shimenawa, he asked me to hold a workshop. So we decided to hold a "shimenawa workshop" to teach everyone how to make shimenawa, and we started in February of this year.

The rice straw we prepared was given to us by a neighboring farmer. It is the straw for "Nanatsuboshi" rice.

After the rice is harvested, it is dried in the sun, threshed, and the thin surface of the straw is removed one by one. This process is surprisingly hard and time-consuming," says Abe, who continues to carefully trim the straw.

The process of carefully and patiently "scooping" straw continues.

Rice straw and other materials are produced in Hokuryu Town

All of the materials used for the rice straw and other Leeds decorations (ears of rice, sprigs of fir, pine cones, senryo, cotton flowers, shishito (chili pepper), etc.) are all produced in Hokuryu Town!

Preparing rice straw
Materials for wreath decoration
Senryo, Shishito, Cotton flower, etc.

club activities

Twine a rope

Twine a rope using your hands and feet
Firmly and carefully weave the straw.
Tie the twine into a loop!
Glue wreath decorations with a glue gun
Arrange the decorations
Lovely arrangement!

Shime-nawa making workshop

The shimenawa-making workshop will be held on December 18 (Sun.) at the Hokuryu-cho commercial revitalization facility, Cocowa!

Why don't you take your time and enjoy the challenge of making your own original "shimenawa (sacred straw rope) and wreath" using rice straw from Hokuryu Town?
Don't miss out on this wonderful experience!

We wish to express our love for the wonderful "shimenawa-ries" made by all of you with all your sincerity!

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◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi

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