• August 21, 2023

2023 "Gokaikaiji Memorial Service for the Hair Weaving Buddha" at Ryusenji Temple (Hokuryu-cho, Hokkaido) of the Honganji School of Shinshu Jodo, a secret Buddhist ceremony that has been held for 95 years.

August 21, 2023 (Mon.) On Thursday, August 17, the 2023 "Keori Hotoke Gokaijiku Hoyo" (Ceremony for the Opening of the Hair Weaving Buddha) was solemnly held at Ryusenji Temple, Bekiunzan, of the Honganji School of Jodo Shinshu in Hokuryu-cho, [...]...

  • August 18, 2023

Hokuryu Junior High School Students Also Participate in "North Sorachi Union Wins Again" Doshin Cup Junior High Baseball [Hokkaido Shimbun].

August 18, 2023 (Fri.) The Hokkaido Shimbun, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo, Japan), has published an article (dated August 17) on the "North Sorachi Union Consecutively Wins the Doshin Cup Junior High Baseball" in which Hokuryu Junior High School students also participated, [...].