Sales of freshly baked bread by RICH Kobo (NPO Akarui Nouhou), Dec.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Here are the delicious breads for December from RICH Kobo, a freshly baked bakery run by the NPO Akarui Nouhou (President Yumiko Takebayashi).

December Sale Dates

There will be eight sales in December: Tuesdays (5th and 12th), Saturdays (9th, 16th, 23rd,) and Sundays (3rd, 10th, 17th).
Available for in-store pickup or home pickup by appointment from 10:00 a.m. until they are gone.

December Fresh Bread Day

December Bread Menu

Types include: salted butter, raisin brulee, sunflower buns, cream buns, melon buns, cheese Danish sticks, chocolate croissants, curry buns, wiener rolls, mini breads, fermented butter croissants, cheese tarts, pumpkin bean buns, tarako cheese bread, okara cake, ham and cheese danish, mentaiko cheese dutch bread, moist chocolate scone, chocolate chip melon bread, butter roll (2 pieces), bacon shrimp, apple pie, blueberry pie, etc.

Bread Menu

Sixteen Grain Coppa Bread (Trial Menu)

  • Sixteen grains: brown rice, glutinous black rice, red rice, pressed barley, white barley, rice flour barley, black soybeans, glutinous rice, glutinous oats, amaranth, green rice, pigeon peas, red millet, chia seeds, glutinous millet, quinoa

It is a copped bread with a whopping 16 grains!
Delicious coppepan with soft and fluffy dough and the aroma of grains!

Sixteen Grain Coppa Bread

Sandwich on 16-grain copped bread: braised pork, cheese, colored peppers, and mustard

Sandwich on 16-grain coppa bread

Sandwich on salted butter bread: potato salad (dates, mixed beans, small tomatoes, colored peppers)

Salted Butter Bread Sandwich

Curry bread, ham and cheese Danish, mentaiko cheese Dutch bread, sausage roll, bacon shrimp

Curry bread, ham and cheese Danish, mentaiko cheese Dutch bread, sausage roll, bacon shrimp
  • Curry bread:Deeply flavored curry bread with spices
  • Bacon shrimp:French bread and crispy bacon are the best match
  • Sausage roll:The sweetness of the soft dough and the saltiness of the sausage and ketchup are addictive.
  • Mentaiko cheese Dutch bread:The harmony of cod roe and cheese creates a nice salty flavor.
  • Ham and cheese Danish:Light and crispy pie crust with melted ham and cheese!

Green & Potato Salad

Christmas Leeds Green Salad surrounded by mixed bean potato salad! Cherry tomatoes, candy cheese, colored peppers, baby leaves, sprinkled generously with powdered cheese like snow.

Green & Potato Salad

Christmas colors and an early blissful Christmas bread time!

Thanks for the early blissful Christmas bread time.

Enjoy, you can almost hear the sound of the bells of the sleigh pulled by "Santa Claus," who came before Christmas, "Rin-rin-rin, cha-cha-cha...! Happy time, with endless love, gratitude and prayers.

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Introducing delicious bread from RICH Kobo, a freshly baked bakery run by the NPO Akarui Nouhou (President: Yumiko Takebayashi).
Click here to read about RICH Kobo bread sales >>

◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)