Monday, November 7, 2022
The 45th Hokuryu Town Cultural Festival was held on November 2 (Wed.) and 3 (Thu.) at the Community Center Main Hall and the Hokuryu Town Rural Environment Improvement Center.

- 1 The 45th Hokuryu Town Cultural Festival 2022
- 2 Exhibitions and Presentations
- 3 Announcement of Performing Arts
- 3.1 General Moderator: Mr. Naoki Kishi (Hokuryu Town Board of Education)
- 3.2 Hokuryu-cho Cultural Federation Commendation: Ms. Hiroko Yoshio
- 3.3 opening ceremony
- 3.4 Kenshimai: Sakura Shinryu Kenshimai Kai
- 3.5 Chorus: Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Chorus
- 3.6 Taisho Koto: Japanese Taisho Koto Club
- 3.7 Taisho Koto: Midori Koto no Kai
- 3.8 Shigin: Japan Shigin Academy Gakufukai Fukagawa Branch Hekisui Dojo
- 3.9 Karaoke: Hekisui Karaoke Club
- 3.10 Karaoke: Sunflower University Club Activities
- 3.11 dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing)
- 3.12 closing ceremony
- 4 More Photos
- 5 Youtube Video
- 6 Photos of "Exhibition of Works" and "Performing Arts Presentation" at the Town's Citizens' Cultural Festival
- 7 Related Articles
The 45th Hokuryu Town Cultural Festival 2022
This year, due to the Corona disaster, the various basaars were cancelled and the exhibit was moved to the main hall of the community center.
- Sponsored by:Hokuryu Town Cultural Festival Executive Committee
- Co-sponsored by:Hokuryu-cho Cultural Federation, Hokuryu-cho Education Promotion Association, Hokuryu-cho Board of Education
Exhibitions and Presentations
In the main hall on the second floor of the community center, wonderful works by various circles were displayed (on display for two days on November 2 and 3).

Works exhibited were by circles (calligraphy, ink painting, pressed flowers, handicrafts, painting, photography, haiku, patchwork, cosmos club, Bonsai, works by elementary and junior high school students, etc.), and individual works by calligraphy (by Ryumon Seto, a participant in a community center course) and Japanese paper dolls (by Ms. Fumiko Kawamoto).
At the auditorium on the first floor of the community center, processed agricultural products (Fumi no Kai, bamboo dumplings; Shokokai Women's Club, Daifuku, red rice; Akarui Nouhou, bread) were sold.
Announcement of Performing Arts
At the Hokuryu Town Rural Environment Improvement Center and Gymnasium, entertainment presentations were enthusiastically held from 10:00 a.m. to around 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 3.
General Moderator: Mr. Naoki Kishi (Hokuryu Town Board of Education)

Hokuryu-cho Cultural Federation Commendation: Ms. Hiroko Yoshio
The Hokuryu-cho Cultural Federation Commendation was awarded to Hiroko Yoshio, winner of the 42nd Samejima Prize of the Hokkaido Haiku Association.
Introduction of Ms. Hiroko Yoshio
Hiroko Yoshio, while working in agriculture after Masakazu Yoshio's marriage, told a teacher at the elementary school her children attended, "Children grow up watching their parents' backs. Why don't you show them how to learn in your own mother's way? The teacher taught me haiku.
Later, he joined the Michi-Haiku Association. In 2002, he published his first collection of haiku, "Mother's Voice," to express his gratitude to his mother. In 2021, he published his second collection, "Hanarekku" (Flower Raft). This collection won the 42nd Samejima Prize of the Hokkaido Haiku Association.
The Samejima Prize is a prestigious award established in honor of the achievements of the first president of the Hokkaido Haiku Association, Ms. Kishi, who is the host of the event, said, "The Samejima Prize is an award given in accordance with the rules of the Cultural Federation of Japan Award.

January 24, 2022 (Monday) We are pleased to announce that Hiroko Yoshio, 74, a resident of Biyau, Hokuryu-cho and a member of the Hokkaido Haiku Association, Hokuryu Branch, has published a collection of her haiku entitled "Hana...
opening ceremony
Greeting by Yoshiharu Yamashita, Executive Committee Chairman

We would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our cultural activities.
It is early, with only about two months left in the year, and the season of snow is upon us. The agricultural products are in abundant harvest, and for the first time in three years, we will be holding a cultural festival. We would like to rejoice with you all.
However, for the past two years, each circle has been forced to cancel and hold the festival. Recently, however, due to expectations of vaccinations, events have resumed in many areas, and we have decided to hold the festival based on the results of a survey we conducted with each group and circle.
As we have informed everyone, we ask for your understanding that this is a different style than in the past, with some cancellations and reductions in scale to prevent viral infections.
The festival is an opportunity to present the works that we have created and practiced for this day. We hope that everyone will join us for an enjoyable day of making, listening, watching, and eating culture.
We would also like to thank you again for taking several days to prepare the venue with sanitization, etc. to prevent corona infection. Thank you very much.
It is going to get colder and colder from now on. I would like to make an opening address by wishing you good health in your daily life against corona, influenza, etc.," said Mr. Yamashita, Chairperson of the Executive Committee.

Kenshimai: Sakura Shinryu Kenshimai Kai
- Representative:Hidoko Kawada
- Performances :Tango Namida Eki", "Kuroda Bushi", "Aoba no Fue", "Sashinashi (corner of the eye)
Kazuko Nishiyama and Hideko Kawada

Tsutomu Sako

Isao Hiraba

Kazuko Nishiyama and Hideko Kawada

Chorus: Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Chorus
- Representative:Doi Hide
- Conductor:Tetsujo Yamamoto
- Accompanist:Tomoyo Kano
- Performances :To the Earth," "Color of the Window," "Like a Stream

Taisho Koto: Japanese Taisho Koto Club
- Representative:Junko Yoshida
- Leader:Chikako Kobayashi
- Performances :A Small World," "Pleasure," "The One I Love."

Taisho Koto: Midori Koto no Kai
- Representative:Kumiko Asano
- Leader:Chikako Kobayashi
- Performances :Kassai," "Cotton Handkerchief," "Kiyoshi's Zundoko Bushi

Shigin: Japan Shigin Academy Gakufukai Fukagawa Branch Hekisui Dojo
- Representative:dried giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)
- Performances :Gagin Honnoji" "Dokugin Shizumigozen
Isao Hiraba, Kazuo Kimura, Ryoji Kikura

Yukitake Kanayama

Karaoke: Hekisui Karaoke Club
- Representative:Kumiko Asano
- Performances :Tsugaru no Hana", "Anata no Osaka", "That Guy".
Fumiko Kawashima

Yuyo Nakamura

Kazuo Kimura

Karaoke: Sunflower University Club Activities
- Performances:"Oh-han."
Ryoji Kikura.

dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing)
- Representative:Yuyo Nakamura
- Performances :Dragon Rising," "Yamahiko," "Senrai no Banquet

closing ceremony
Greeting by Deputy Executive Committee Chair Hiroyo Nakamura

How was your first cultural festival in three years? I am sure that many things have happened to you over the past three years.
Some of you may have thought that the number of works on today's entertainment stage was small.
During this corona, some organizations have been disbanded. It is very unfortunate, but I think it is inevitable. As for the artworks, due to the lack of successors, the number of artworks is also small, and I hear that even in elementary and junior high schools, it is not possible to produce a large number of artworks.
We did the best we could in this situation. I would like to thank the Board of Education for their cooperation today, and to all of you who came to the event.
After this, we usually have a "bread-scattering" ceremony, but this time we had to cancel it because of the Corona.
There are still some items for sale in the auditorium, so if you would like to visit us, we would be happy to see you there. The exhibit will be on display until around 3:30 p.m., so we hope to see the results of the past year's work with you.
Now, young mothers are also doing their best with patchwork, rice straw, and various other activities. Age is irrelevant, so as long as everyone remains in good health, I would like to pray that we will be able to hold the festival again in a year's time, so that everyone can visit the festival again with the mindset of being in good health forever and ever.
Although "Soba Shokugakubu Hokuryu" is not participating in this year's festival, we are holding a "Soba Enjoyment Party" at the Soba Dojo today.
According to some sources, if you bring the program of the town's citizens' cultural festival, you will receive kakiage as a gift, so please bring the program and enjoy the delicious handmade soba noodles of the Soba Shokubu Hokuryu.
Thanks to all of you who support the festival in this way, both at the festival site and outside of it, we hope to be able to hold the festival again next year.
Thank you very much for your time today," said Deputy Executive Committee Chair Nakamura in his closing remarks.

The citizens of Hokuryu Town gather together, and the fruits of their great efforts accumulated over the year resonate in a circle of great emotion and joy, in the wonderful harmony of the "Hokuryu Town Cultural Festival.
More Photos
Youtube Video
Exhibitions and Presentations
Announcement of Performing Arts
Photos of "Exhibition of Works" and "Performing Arts Presentation" at the Town's Citizens' Cultural Festival

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◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi