October 2020

  • October 13, 2020

Hokuryu Town "Healthy Mah Jongg" - "Making life worth living, health, companionship, prevention of nursing care, prevention of dementia" by activating the brain with a smile and having fun ❢.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Health Mah Jongg is being held at the Hokuryu Town Commercial Revitalization Facility "Cocowa" and Multipurpose Hall.  Upon entering the building, please disinfect your hands thoroughly.  What is Health Mah Jongg: an intellectual game of brain activation [...].

  • October 13, 2020

green velvet

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 The sunflowers spread out like green velvet. Smooth, glossy, and shiny green, they sway in the cool autumn breeze. The sunflowers are shimmering in the cool autumn breeze, shimmering with a smooth, glossy green glow.

  • October 12, 2020

(Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (Horokanai-machi, Fukagawa-city, Hokuryu-machi, etc.) are now on sale at Seven-Eleven stores nationwide! Information related to Hokuryu Town

Monday, October 12, 2020 Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (head office: Fukagawa City, Hokkaido) will be sold at 21,000 7-Eleven stores nationwide, which boasts the largest number of stores in Japan! The period is November 1, 2020 [...].

  • October 8, 2020

Soft light in the mist

Thursday, October 8, 2020 A morning town shrouded in deep fog. A soft golden light quietly emerged from the fog that enveloped everything. This is the scenery of the moment when my heart was lit up with a bright light and filled with tenderness. Noboru [...] ◇ noboru [...