Friday, March 7, 2025
- All information on the Hokuryu Town Portal:Website, Hokuryu Town Portal" + "Facebook page, Treasures of Hokuryu Town" + "Instagram, Treasures of Hokuryu Town" + "Youtube/Hokuryu Town Portal"
- Access Analysis:Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be used from June 2024
- Operator:Ikuko Terauchi, Hokuryu Town Community Supporter
・Volunteer support (filming, editing, updating): Noboru Terauchi
Table of Contents
◉ February: Number of visitors: 18,292 people (average 654 people/28 days)
◉ February: Number of articles: 293 (average 16 articles/18 working days)
* Number of visitors: Unique users (even if one person accesses the site multiple times in a day, they are counted as one person)
Site Name | Monthly and number of visitors | Number of visitors/day | Number of articles per month | Number of articles/day |
Hokuryu Town Portal | 10,520 people | 376 people/day | 140 Results | 8 cases/day |
Facebook Page | 1,902 people | 68 people/day | 130 Results | 7 cases/day |
434 people | 16 people/day | 10 Results | 1 case/day | |
Youtube | 5,436 people | 194 people/day | 13 cases | 1 case/day |
plan | 18,292 people | 654 people/day | 293 Results | 16 items/day (of the month) |
February: Hokuryu Town Portal - Access from around the world
◉ In Japan: 9,618 people (91% of the total)
◉ Overseas: 902 people (9% of the total)
(180 from Indonesia, 160 from Singapore, 149 from Hong Kong, 87 from Taiwan, 85 from the United States, 46 from China, 29 from France, etc. Total of 52 countries / 196 UN member states)

Website ・Hokuryu Portal
February Feature Articles: 15
- Setsubun Ehomaki 2025 - Auspicious "Ehomaki" (February 3rd)
- Wa Neighborhood Association Senior Citizens Club General Meeting & New Year's Party 2025 (February 3rd)
- Western restaurant "Kitchen Seisei" new store opening ceremony (February 4th)
- "Himawari Karaoke Club" visits Eirakuen Special Nursing Home for the Elderly (February 5th)
- Kurosengoku Business Cooperative Association x Masao Togashi Shoten's "Kinako-bushi Furikake" now on sale! (February 6th)
- All 8 karaoke songs from Himawari Karaoke Club @ Eirakuen released (February 10th)
- Tasting Kurosengoku Don and Kurosengoku Flake "Gâteau au Chocolat" (February 14th)
- Hokuryu Town Council Reporting Session & Council Cafe: A friendly and harmonious atmosphere (February 14th)
- The 4th Hokuryu Town Ice Candle Festival 2025 will be held! (February 18th)
- "Kurosengoku Kinako & Rice Flour Baked Donuts" & "Rice Flour Chiffon" (February 19th)
- Black rice grains & Kurosengoku keema curry (February 20th)
- Ladies' School Cooking Class - Soba Sushi and more (February 21st)
- Report on "Sunflower and Watermelon New Farmer Training Guidelines" (February 21st)
- Kids vs. Adults Airplane Showdown, Hokuryu Kendama Club (February 26th)
- Mayor Yasuhiro Sasaki explores the charms of Hokuryu Town [February 2025] (February 27th)
A treasure of the town of Hokuryu:
Hokuryu Town Portal
Hokuryu-cho is a happy town full of smiles and energy, where people "share the joy of...
Multilingual system (5 languages) currently under construction and in operation
(Setting an upper limit on the amount of translation)
❂ January 2020~: Japanese (WordPress established)
❂ June 30, 2024~: English and Traditional Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)
❂ From August 1, 2024: Indonesian
❂ From November 3, 2024: Vietnamese
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