Manryu Elementary School 5th graders "Rice Cultivation Experience": making scarecrows, setting them up, and observing the progress of rice cultivation (Takada Farm)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

On September 4 (Wed.) at 10:00 a.m., nine fifth graders from Manryu Elementary School participated in the "Scarecrow Stand" at the paddy rice field of Takata Corporation (Chairman: Akimitsu Takata) in Mitani, Hokuryu-cho.

Scarecrow made by 5th graders of Mayu Elementary School

The three scarecrows were created by fifth grade students of Manryu Elementary School in their integrated studies class (2 hours).

The Hokuryu Board of Education asked Shuichi Hirose, a 76-year-old resident of the town who is skilled in scarecrow making, to instruct them on how to make scarecrows.

The three scarecrows are unique and cute, named "Kindergarten Child," "Angry Aunt," and "Bear.

Mayu Elementary School Website

Three scarecrows created during two hours of integrated studies! Mayu Elementary School HP

August 27, 2024 (Tue) 060827 5th Grade General "Scarecrow Making" - We invited local people to make scarecrows. 3 groups made 3 scarecrows in total. The students will be able to put up their scarecrows at the site of the rice planting experience in September.

Three scarecrows created during two hours of integrated learning! (see website)
From left: Three scarecrows: "Kindergarten Child", "Angry Aunt", and "Bear".

Guidance by Shuichi Hirose

Mr. Shuichi Hirose, who instructed us in scarecrow making

Fourteen years ago, in September 2010, the 3rd Scarecrow Festival was held at Ryuunishi Farm (Hokuryu-cho). The organizer at that time was Shuichi Hirose, president of Ryuunishi Farm, an agricultural cooperative (the Scarecrow Festival is no longer held).

Under the guidance of Shuichi Hirose, each student was divided into groups (four students), and each student came up with their own design, sewed their own clothes, and stuffed newspaper to create scarecrows.

The students devised a scarecrow design based on the "Scarecrow Festival" photo afvam created at the time!

The difficult part of making scarecrows was the amount of newspaper to pack. I didn't know how much to pack, and it was difficult to find the right amount. It was my first time making clothes, but it was fun.

Scarecrow Festival 2010

案山子フェスティバル 2010 の案山子達
Scarecrows of Scarecrow Festival 2010 (Click on the image to see all the scarecrows)

Photo Album "Scarecrow Festival 2010

フォトアルバム「案山子フェスティバル 2010」
Photo Album "Scarecrow Festival 2010" (Click on the image to see all scarecrows)

Scarecrow installation

Foundation piling

foundation hammering (e.g. in rock-paper-scissors game)

setting a scene in a scarecrow

Nailing the scarecrow to the base wood
Angry lady scarecrow & bear scarecrow
Kindergarten Child Scarecrow
Everyone took a commemorative photo with the three scarecrows in the background!

Akimitsu Takada's talk on the growth process of rice cultivation

Mr. Akimitsu Takada talked about the performance of this year's rice crop and the importance of cultivation.

Akimitsu Takada's Story

This year's rice is definitely a good crop because of the large number of grains on each plant.

It is about 10 cm taller than last year. The taller the plant, the easier it will fall over, but on the other hand, the longer it grows, the longer the parent ears will be, and the more fruit will be produced.

This year we have had regular rains, so the ears have been absorbing enough moisture, and I think the ears are getting fat. The color is also golden, so we can expect to get a good grain quality," he said.

Student Question

Do you do anything to make your rice taste better?"

Student Question!

Akimitsu Takada

The first thing to consider is "the amount of fertilizer. Of the three elements of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium), the amount of nitrogen is particularly important, as it can make or break growth. If the rice absorbs the nitrogen you put in this year, it will be delicious rice.

If there is any nitrogen left at this point, the rice will still suck it up, which will affect the taste. It will be important to let the rice absorb the fertilizer cleanly.

The ability of rice paddies to absorb nutrients increases as they dry out, so it is important to dry them out and "Nakaharashi" them. Then there is 'water management,'" explains Mr. Takada.

Students using notepads to take photos and record their work.

drone flight

The drone was actually piloted and flown into the rice paddies right in front of our eyes. The drone pilot was Mr. Shunki Takada, President of Takada Co.

Students are crazy about taking videos!

Drones for pesticide application
Drone flying over rice paddies
Students taking video of drone flight
Students taking turns shooting transmitter for drone

The event ended with a thank-you speech by all the students, who boarded the school bus and headed back to school with smiles on their faces, grateful for the valuable experience they had had.

We give our heartfelt thanks to the sacred ears of rice that are bearing abundant harvests!

The golden, sacred ears of rice that were lovingly nurtured during the first rice planting experience.

We would like to express our infinite love, gratitude, and prayers for the scarecrows that the students have worked so hard and carefully to create in order to protect their precious rice plants from damage by wild birds and beasts.

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi) 

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