[August 2024] Hokuryu Town Portal and Operation Report

Friday, September 6, 2024

◉ August: 83,896 visits (average 2,324 visits/31 days)
◉ August: Number of articles: 321 (average 15 articles/22 working days)

Site NameMonthly and number of visitorsNumber of visitors/dayNumber of articles per monthNumber of articles/day
Hokuryu Town Portal72,060 persons2,324 persons/day154 cases7 cases/day
Facebook Page2,055 persons66 persons/day141 cases6 cases/day
Instagram1,448 persons47 persons/day13 cases1 case/day
Youtube8,333 persons269 persons/day13 cases1 case/day
plan83,896 persons2,706 persons/day321 cases15 cases/day

August: Access from Portal and World in Hokuryu Town

 ◉ Japan: 70,573 (98% of the total)
 ◉ Overseas : 1,487 (2% of the total)
 (Hong Kong 330, Korea 233, Indonesia 188, Taiwan 149, USA 139, Singapore 114, and others. (55 countries in total)

August: Access from around the world

Website ・Hokuryu Portal

August, featured articles: 18

  1. July 31 (Wed.) Sunflower Field in bloom: in full bloom! The best time to see them! A moment of overflowing tears! (August 1)
  2. 2024 Hokuryu-machi Melon and Watermelon Festival" was held! Almost all the melons were sold out in about 30 minutes! (August 5)
  3. Kuro Sengoku de Summer Festival 2024 was held for the first time! Many guests enjoyed the festival! We were thrilled by the miraculous encounter! (August 5) 
  4. August 4 (Sun) Sunflower Field in bloom: A lovely sunflower field with happy songs echoing through it (August 7)
  5. Hokuryu Kendama Festival at Sunflower Village in Hokuryu Town, Let's play Kendama while viewing sunflowers in full bloom! Presented by Hokuryu Kendama Club (August 8)
  6. Sunflower Field blooming status on Friday, August 9: Hanging its head heavily, it bowed to visitors with a "thank you" and a peculiar bow (August 9).
  7. Mayor Yasuhiro Sasaki's visit to Hokuryu Town [August 2024] (August 9)
  8. Taste seasonal summer vegetable salad with creamy dressing of sunflower oil from Hokuryu Town and dried scallops from Hamatombetsu Town (August 13)
  9. Lecture by Mr. Kenichi Suzuki, Director General, Sorachi Regional Promotion Bureau, on "Expectations for the Future of Hokuryu Agriculture" and exchange of opinions (August 13).
  10. Hokuryu Town and Hokkaido University of Information Sciences sign "Comprehensive Agreement! Universities are now required to collaborate with local communities (August 13)
  11. Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido Machi Internship 2024 - Living and working in Hokkaido for 2 weeks - 10 university students visited the town! (August 16)
  12. Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido Machi Internship 2024 Agriculture section, Start of work! (At Takata Corporation (August 16)
  13. The 2024 Hokuryu-machi Melon and Watermelon Festival, a direct sales event for Himawari watermelons, was a great success! University student interns were also very active! (August 16)
  14. Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido, Japan Interns 2024 Construction Industry: Joining forces to remove dilapidated playground equipment by human power! (August 16)
  15. Signed a "Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement" between Hokuryu Town and SOMPO Himawari Life Insurance Co! Aiming at Extending Healthy Life Expectancy and Life Span (August 19)
  16. August 16 (Fri.) Sunflower Village blooming status: Great sunflowers fulfilling their natural destiny! Thank you for all the inspiration! (August 19)
  17. Hokuryu Bon Dance Festival, Projection Mapping and Fireworks Display (38th Hokuryu Town Himawari Festival): A Series of Impressions! (August 19)
  18. Hokkaido Hokuryu Town Machi Internship Completion Ceremony 2024 Connecting people, exchanging hearts and minds, and expanding a wonderful harmony (circle) for the future of the town! (August 26)

A treasure of the town of Hokuryu:

🌻 Photo uploads (upload to Google Photos: 91 photos)

🌻 Multilingual (4 languages) system under construction and operation
 (June 30 -: English and traditional language, August 1, addition -: Indonesian)

Hokuryu Town Portal

Hokuryu-cho is a happy town full of smiles and energy, where people "share the joy of...

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