Yasuhiro Sasaki, Mayor, May Activities Schedule

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

This is the schedule of Mayor Yasuhiro Sasaki's activities. In response to requests from townspeople who want to know when the Mayor will be in town to speak with him, the Mayor has made his schedule available to the public.

As of ❂ Wednesday, May 1
Official business meetings and meetings in the office are omitted.
This schedule is current as of the date of publication and is subject to change or addition.
Please contact the General Affairs Division (Tel: 0164-34-7028) when you visit us.

Wednesday, May 1

⏱ 08:30 美葉牛神社春の地鎮祭、春季例大祭参拝
⏱ 10:00Discovering the attractions of Hokuryu Town [Feature Article]
⏱ 14:00Etai-betsu Dam water-entering ceremony [Feature Article] (Japanese only)
⏱ 16:00 May Day in Hokuryu Area

Thursday, May 9

⏱ 18:00 Numata Area Traffic Safety Association Federation Regular General Meeting

Friday, May 10

⏱ 09:00 Second Extraordinary Meeting of the 2024 Hokuryu Town Council
⏱ 13:30 General meeting of the Association for the Promotion of Flood Control along the Amaryu River

Saturday, May 11

⏱ 08:50Grand Opening of Hokuryu Town's Agricultural and Livestock Products Direct Sales Store "Minoricchi Hokuryu" [Feature Article].
⏱ 14:30 Gathering to discuss the Hokkaido agriculture of tomorrow 【Reference: Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College ]

May 12 (Sun.)

⏱ 11:00 a.m.: Sacred Sites of 88 Sacred Sites in Mitani

Wednesday, May 15

⏱ 13:00Commissioning Ceremony for Self-Defense Recruitment Consultants (Hokuryu Town related information)

Thursday, May 16

⏱ 15:30 General Meeting of the Three Towns Agricultural Improvement Promotion Council

Friday, May 17

⏱ 10:00Hokuryu Town Pioneer Commemorative Ceremony and Awards Ceremony for Meritorious Service [Feature Article] (Japanese only)
⏱ 16:30Ordinary General Meeting of the Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry [related article on Hokuryu Town].

Monday, May 20

Mr. Hisashi Inatsu, a member of the House of Representatives, came to the town "to visit "Honoka" (Representative Director Toshimitsu Yamada), an agricultural cooperative in Hokuryu-cho, which is introducing environmentally friendly agriculture (information related to Hokuryu-cho).

Tuesday, May 21

⏱ 10:00Rice planting experience for 5th graders at Manryu Elementary School in Hokuryu Town (at the plot of Mr. Akimitsu Takada, certified agricultural advisor)

Wednesday, May 22

⏱ 09:00Installation of flower pots by the Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women's Club [Feature Article].

Saturday, May 25

⏱ 17:00 Second Division Music Festival 【See also: JGSDF 2nd Division Music Festival ]

Sunday, May 26

⏱ 08:30 Mayor's Cup PG Tournament

Tuesday, May 28

⏱ 15:00 Ordinary general meeting of the Hokkaido Forest and Forest Road Control Association
⏱ 15:30 General Meeting of Ishikari River Flood Control Promotion Association

Thursday, May 30

⏱ 17:00 Board of Directors meeting of Hokuryu Promotion Corporation, Inc.

Friday, May 31

⏱ 08:30 Track and field record meeting at Hokuryu Junior High School


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