January 1, 2024 (New Year's Day)
Happy New Year New Year's Day
The 41st New Year's Day Marathon was held in Hokuryu Town to pray for a good harvest, traffic safety, and good health in 2024.
In 2024, we were blessed with clear skies and a beautiful sunrise on New Year's Day.
This year is the Year of the Dragon or Kinoetsu.
I sincerely wish you a great New Year in which the divine dragon soaring in the sky, illuminated by golden light, descends to the earth to bring you good fortune.
New Year's Day Marathon
- Prayer:Good harvest, traffic safety, no accidents, family safety
- Co-sponsored by:Hokuryu Town Sports Association, JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office
- Sponsorship:Hokuryu Town Board of Education, JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office, Sunflower Park Hokuryu Onsen
- Sponsored by:Traffic Safety Association, Hokuryu Firefighting Union Fire Supporters Association, Kuro Sengoku Business Cooperative Association
- Secretariat:JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office, etc.
The New Year's Day Marathon is,35th (2018)The event has been co-sponsored by the Hokuryu Town Sports Association and JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office since April 1, 2012.
At 7:00 a.m., just before sunrise, when the sky turned a deep blue, 24 town residents gathered at the Shinryu Shrine. After praying at the shrine, the New Year's Day Marathon was held.

Prayer at Shinryu Shrine

New Year's Greetings:
Mr. Kimitoshi Washio, Branch Manager of JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch, and Mr. Minoru Nagai, Representative Director of JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu District, gave their greetings.
Kimitoshi Washio, Branch Manager, JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch

I am very relieved that the weather is fine today. Now I would like to invite everyone to pray for a good harvest. First, Mr. Minoru Nagai, the representative director of the Hokuryu district, will give his greetings.
Minoru Nagai, Hokuryu District Representative Director

Happy New Year, everyone. We look forward to working with you again this year.
We have just prayed for a good harvest, traffic safety, and everyone's health.
This year is the Year of the Dragon. Among the Chinese zodiac signs, the dragon is said to be an imaginary or phantom animal. I pray that this year, like the rising dragon, the economy and your health will continue to improve. We look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Commemorative photo, 41st New Year's Day Marathon 2024

New Year's Day marathon starts!
After praying, everyone moved to the front of the Hokuryu Fire Hall to wear the yellow "Traffic Safety" sash, and then the JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Agricultural Section Chief Yuji Arata called out, "New Year's Day Marathon, let's start! and they all started at once!
Each person will run at his/her own pace according to his/her physical condition!

Souvenir of participation
Souvenirs of participation include Yumepirika 300g rice (provided by JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office) and Kuro Sengoku Kinako (provided by Kuro Sengoku Business Cooperative), both illustrated by Agri-Fighter North Dragon!

The great sunrise on New Year's Day rising over Beiryongmen
With heartfelt thanks to the great sunrise on New Year's Day as it rises over Beiryongmen!

This year is the Year of the Dragon!
With boundless love, gratitude and prayers for the great divine dragon of Hokuryu Town, who descends with a golden radiance to dwell a mysterious light in the souls of all living creatures and to brightly and warmly embrace the heart of each and every one of us.

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)