The 122nd Graduation Diploma Conferral Ceremony of Manryu Elementary School in Hokuryu Town: Graduates leave the school with big dreams and hopes shining in their eyes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

On March 18 (Fri.) from 10:00 a.m., the 122nd diploma conferment ceremony of the Hokuryu Town Manryu Elementary School was held.

Main gate of Shinryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town

北竜町立 真竜小学校・正門
Main gate of Manryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town
北竜町立 真竜小学校・玄関
Entranceway of Manryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town

Diploma Conferral Ceremony Venue (Gymnasium)

Again this year, while the school was scaled down and the hours shortened due to measures to prevent new coronavirus infection, 19 graduates in their new junior high school uniforms bid farewell to their familiar school home with sparkling hopes in their hearts.

In accordance with the notice from the Hokkaido Board of Education and the Hokuryu Town Board of Education, the ceremony was limited to two attendees from each family, and the current students were limited to 5th graders and the 4th graders who were the officiating teachers.

The ceremony consisted of a report on school affairs, a congratulatory address by the Mayor of Hokuryu Town, a farewell address by the Board of Education, a congratulatory address by the PTA President on paper, a congratulatory telegram on a bulletin board, the national anthem played on CD, and the school anthem sung through a mask.

commemorative photograph

Before the award ceremony began, a commemorative photo was taken of all participants.

Group Photo Shooting

Live broadcast of the ceremony

For current students and others unable to attend, a live broadcast of the ceremony was conducted via "Bluetooth".

Live broadcast via Bluetooth connection

Started with general moderator by current students (4th graders)

General moderator by current 4th year students
Two people share hosting duties.

Entrance of Graduates

Entrance of Graduates
卒業生 & 保護者の皆様
Graduates & Parents

opening address

Mr. Shiro Tsujiwaki, vice principal, gave the opening remarks.

opening address

The national anthem is played on CD and the school song is sung through masks.

National anthem performance and school anthem

Piano performance by current students

Piano performance by current students

Academic report & congratulatory telegrams: in print and on the bulletin board

report of school events
Congratulatory message

Awarding of diplomas

Nineteen graduates slowly made their way to the podium to receive their diplomas from Principal Yoshimichi Matsunawa.

Awarding of diplomas

My Future Dreams

After receiving their certificates, the graduates went up on the stage and one by one made a loud and proud presentation about their "future dreams.

Graduates talking about their future careers and dreams

Truck driver", "Work related to manufacturing such as designing houses and cars (to communicate with people)", "Baseball player", "Volleyball player", "Full-time housewife (to have a family of my own)", "Doctor", "Work that makes many people smile (to help people and to challenge myself in any way) (I want to help people and challenge myself in any way I can.)", "temple priest", "illustrator", "nurse", "work with animals", "comedian (I like to entertain people)", "be a good painter (I want to work hard at art and draw many pictures I like)", "craftsman (I like making things and mastering one thing)", "I want to challenge myself in various things. I want to be a craftsman in the manufacturing field (I like making things, I like mastering one thing, and I want to try various things)," "I want to find a stable job," "I want to be a photographer," "I want to take over a farmhouse," etc. These graduates spoke with pride about their future career and dreams.

He then said, "Father and mother, thank you for supporting me and raising me all these years. I know I will cause you a lot of trouble and worry in the future, but I ask for your support.

見守る保護者の方々 & 在校生
Parents & Students

Principal's Ceremonial Address: Yoshimichi Matsunawa, Principal

Ceremonial Address by Principal Yoshimichi Matsunawa

The winter of this year, which was followed by severe cold weather, is now beginning to warm up with the arrival of March, and the footsteps of spring can certainly be heard. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents and family members for their kind attendance at the 122nd graduation ceremony for the students of Shinryu Elementary School in Hokuryu Town.

Congratulations to the 19 students who have graduated from Manryu Elementary School. During your six years at Manryu Elementary School, you have learned, played, and cooperated with your peers to the best of your ability, and each of you has grown both physically and mentally.

Your achievements, especially in the last year of school, have been remarkable. You have shown a high level of leadership in school events, children's groups, committee activities, and clean-up group activities, and have done your best to make school life better. As the highest grade, you have fulfilled your responsibilities and have taken excellent care and guidance of the lower grades.

The diploma I just handed out to you contains everything you have learned and grown in your six years of elementary school. It certifies that you have completed your elementary school education with distinction.

Please take this diploma, which is filled with memories of your hard work, sadness, happiness, and many other things you have done over the past six years, and move on to junior high school with pride and confidence.

On the occasion of your graduation, I have two words of parting gifts to say to you.

The first is to have confidence in one's own identity.
Just as each of you has a different face and personality, each of you has a different place where you can show your best. This is because each of you is unique and cannot be compared. There is no point in simply comparing yourself to others. First of all, please have confidence in your individuality and your identity. Fully develop your individuality and abilities until each of you can play an active role. I hope that you will lay a solid foundation that will enable you to demonstrate your own abilities for the rest of your long life. Never give up on yourself.

The second is to create goals.
You all have unlimited potential. We are all given equal time. How you spend the time you are given will change your life. We must spend each day carefully and cherish every moment of it. Continue to strive for your dreams. However, dreams do not always come true.

Whether you make it happen or not, if you don't challenge yourself, it will never come true. Even if things don't go well, don't give up and keep trying to make your dreams come true. I urge you to keep these two things in mind and create your own future.

I would like to say a few words to all the parents and guardians. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to your children on their successful graduation today. Seeing your child's growth and development again, I am sure that all the hardships of the past years have turned into great joy. I pray that your child will continue to grow up healthy and strong.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your cooperation and support of our educational activities over the years.
In conclusion, I would like to congratulate the 19 graduates on their unlimited future prospects and wish all concerned and the local community the best of luck and prosperity.

March 19, 2022 Yoshimichi Matsunawa, Principal, Manryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town

Messages of "Have confidence in who you are" and "Create goals."

Congratulatory address by Mayor Yutaka Sano of Hokuryu Town

Congratulations to the 19 students graduating from Manryu Elementary School today. I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the parents on the graduation of their children.

Now, to all of you graduates, you have learned to 'think and learn well' during your elementary school life. I am sure that you have wondered what to do not only with your studies, but also with your sports, hobbies, and surroundings, and have done your best to work toward the answers to these questions.

From April, you will be studying at junior high schools. Studying may become a little more difficult. Club activities may also become more demanding. However, please do not give up just because it is difficult or tough. Don't be afraid of failure, and challenge yourself until you are satisfied with the results.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude and respect for the hard work and efforts of the principal and all the teachers and staff who have warmly guided us over the past six years, as well as all the people in the community involved, and to wish the graduates who are about to take their first steps forward a further leap forward. I would also like to send my best wishes to all the graduates who will be taking new steps in the future.

March 18, 2022 Mayor of Hokuryu Town, Toyo Sano

Kitamachi Board of Education Announcement

Congratulations to all the graduates.

Although this was your final year in the Corona disaster, I am sure that you were able to successfully carry out major events such as the Sports Day, school trip, and study presentation, and that you were able to strengthen your bonds with your wonderful friends who have spent six years with you.

In addition, as the most senior students, I was very encouraged to see you working hard to set a good example for the younger students in the children's association activities, and at the same time, I felt that you have grown up.

Through your various experiences over the past six years, I am sure that you have grown mentally and physically together with your irreplaceable friends. I hope that you will continue to cherish the bonds you have formed with your friends over the past six years.

I am sure that you are anxious as well as anticipating the big changes in your junior high school life. We hope that you will continue to grow and develop.

I am sure that the parents must be filled with emotion to see their children, who used to carry big school bags on their small bodies, grow up both mentally and physically today.

In closing, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the principal, teachers, families, and community members who warmly watched over and supported the students, and to the Hokuryu Town Board of Education for the 122nd graduation ceremony of the Manryu Elementary School.

March 18, 2022 Hokuryu Town Board of Education".

Congratulatory address by Mr. Haruo Uematsu, PTA President of Manryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town

Congratulations to the 19 graduates and their parents on their graduation from elementary school.

Six years ago in April, the students were welcomed by their older brothers and sisters with big school bags on their backs and a slightly nervous look on their faces. They must have been excited about their new lives that were about to begin.

Along with the many learning experiences of the past year, I am sure that the second half of your elementary school life has been very inconvenient due to the new type of coronavirus infection, which was a new experience for us adults as well. Daily masks, temperature checks, social distance, and other lifestyle changes were made possible by the invisible virus.

However, this experience (which was extremely annoying) must have made you realize how happy your life used to be: "I want to go anywhere I want to go without restrictions," "I want to take off my mask and talk with my friends," "I want to do sports events and study presentations without worrying about Corona," and so on. The days that were just normal were actually very wonderful when viewed from a different perspective.

There is a saying, 'Happiness is determined by one's heart. I hope that in the long life ahead, no matter what kind of environment you are placed in, you will be grateful for the day you have been given for granted and live your life with a sense of happiness.

Now, once again, I would like to thank Principal Matsunawa and all the teachers and staff for their enthusiastic guidance of the children up to today. I would also like to thank all the parents for their understanding and cooperation in PTA activities over the years. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation.

Last but not least, I would like to congratulate all the graduates and wish them all the best for the future.

March 18, 2022 Haruo Uematsu, PTA President, Manryu Elementary School, Hokuryu Town


Farewell Song: Chorus "Things That Never Change

All the graduates connected one word at a time, said their farewells, and sang the choral piece "The Unchanging One" through their masks.

Farewell words connected by all graduates

We have just received our diplomas from the principal. This diploma is filled with many memories of our six years of fun, happiness, sadness, and hard work.

Six years ago in April, we entered Manryu Elementary School as small children. The kind seniors taught us a lot of things, even though we had no idea what to do. We were also helped a lot by the cute and sometimes reliable people.

I had a wonderful six years with wonderful seniors and juniors. Throughout my school life, I have learned to challenge myself to be grateful for many things. I sing "Unchanging Things" with all my thoughts for the past six years: to work hard with a goal, to never give up, the importance and splendor of my friends, and all my thoughts for the past six years.

The thoughts overflowing with touching words....

Graduates' Chorus "Unchanging Things" composed by Mako Yamazaki

You're here, I'm here, and when I look back, there's a smile on my face.
The cherry blossoms bloomed, the seasons passed, and still you were there.

Far away, far away, on the slope where the sun rises, even if the scenery changes someday
There are some things that never change... in our hearts.

I'll walk on, chewing on the happiness of having met you.
One year from now, ten years from now, and forever.

You were there through the sad times, the happy times, and the hard times.
You were there, in a scene that seemed so obvious to me.

I can't stand still forever and ever.
Someday, when I let go of your hand, you will have your future in your hands.

Because you were there, I was able to do my best. To support each other, to share with each other.
Thank you for the outpouring of love you've given me.

I'll walk on, chewing on the happiness of having met you.
One year from now, ten years from now, the same thoughts will never change, and they always will.

素合唱曲『変わらないもの』山崎間子 作曲
Unchanging Things" composed by Mako Yamazaki

Thank you to our teachers, who have sometimes been strict with us, to those who have warmly watched over us, and to our fathers and mothers who have watched over us every day, cheering us on and nurturing us! Thank you very much!

We all shouted in unison, "Thank you!" .

You can hear her lovely voice...

closing address

Mr. Shiro Tsujiwaki, vice principal, gave the closing remarks.

Graduates Exit

Graduates Exit
Slowly exiting amidst applause

Graduates send-off

After the graduates leave the school, they move outside the school building. All current students and parents lined up in a row on the approach from the entrance to the school gate, applauding to see off the graduates.

Applause send-off by current students
Under the watchful eye of parents and guardians.

We express our unlimited love, gratitude, and prayers to all the graduates who are leaving the school with their eyes sparkling with dreams and hopes, and with many precious memories in their hearts, watched over by the deep love of current students and their guardians.

A wonderful graduation congratulatory message board for current students!

More Photos

◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi