Hokuryu Town Related Information

  • October 12, 2020

(Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (Horokanai-machi, Fukagawa-city, Hokuryu-machi, etc.) are now on sale at Seven-Eleven stores nationwide! Information related to Hokuryu Town

Monday, October 12, 2020 Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (head office: Fukagawa City, Hokkaido) will be sold at 21,000 7-Eleven stores nationwide, which boasts the largest number of stores in Japan! The period is November 1, 2020 [...].

  • September 23, 2020

Donation of ink painting "Ascending Dragon" by Yoshio Ayabe, a Matsuri Doraku-shi teacher, to Hokuryu-cho [Enjoy! Happy Life of a Senior Couple].

September 23, 2020 (Wednesday) We are pleased to announce that the ink painting "Ascending Dragon" by Mr. Yoshio Ayabe, a Matsuri Doraku painter, was donated to Hokuryu Town on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 with the wish that "Plague and disease will be dispelled! Development of Hokuryu-cho Like a Rising Dragon" was donated to the town of Hokuryu-cho on Tuesday, September 15, with the wish that "the town will grow like a rising dragon. His teacher, Aya [...].