34th Yukinko Festival 2021 (in front of Hokuryu-cho Community Center)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The 34th YUUKINKO Festival was held on February 23 (Tue.) from 1:00 p.m. at the special site in front of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center. Many fun events were held, including a snow slide, a treasure hunt game, and a snowmobile pulling a banana board!

Before the start of the event, the sun was smiling on the children, and the weather was a perfect match for the weather, but during the course of the event, there was a blizzard with strong winds! The children had a great time playing in the snow, full of energy and smiles, despite the blizzard.

Organized by: Sunflower SNOW Festa Executive Committee
Leader: Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club
Sponsors: Hokuryu Town, Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hokuryu Lions Club, NPO Himawari, HMK (Hekisui Mobil Kumiai)

The special site before the start, illuminated by the sun.

34th YUUKINKO Festival

reception (desk)

At the registration desk, participants lined up in order, were disinfected, had their temperatures taken, and were then given masks. About 70 children and their families participated in the event.

Participants gathering at the reception desk

Masks distributed

Masks distributed

Artwork by members of the Youth Division of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The snow slides and mysterious, colorful snowmen are handmade by members of the Youth Division of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Colorful snowman

A mysterious snow sculpture rises at the top of a snow mountain with stairs, and the words "SNOW FESTA" painted in color spray on the snow wall.

Snow sculpture installed at the top
snow festaの文字
snow festa text

Yukinko Festival held

Opening Remarks: Shinichi Sasaki, Director, Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club

The event started with an opening address by Mr. Shinichi Sasaki, Director of the Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club! Please play cheerfully and happily!"

北竜町商工会青年部 佐々木進一 部長
Shinichi Sasaki, Director, Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club

The children were selfless in the fun snow games! They enjoyed winter sports to the fullest!

snow slide

snow slide

Treasure Hunt Game

Plastic balls with number cards scattered on the white snowfield!

Scattered colored balls in the snowfield

At the starting signal, GO for the ball in the snow!

Treasure hunt game!
On the starting signal, GO!

Running through the fresh snow and catching the ball with vigor!

Ball catching!

The colored balls caught in the treasure hunting game are turned into candy!

The children were overjoyed with the gift of sweets!

Exchange for snacks

Candy boxes provided!

Prepared snacks

Banana boat towing by snowmobile

The snowmobilers of the HMK (Hekisui Mobil Kumiai) are the reliable members of the group.

Standby snowmobiles
Reliable HMK members
The sound of explosions, the smoke from the snow...

The children were thrilled by the thrilling speed of the snowmobiles, which blasted through the blizzard-ridden snowfield and around the school grounds of Manryu Elementary School!


Around the snow field in the schoolyard of Mayu Elementary School
Thrilling snowmobile ride
Running through the snowfield...
Heading into a blizzard!

The precious light of the sun, which appeared at the beginning and at the end.

The first and last rays of the sun

Snowmobiling through the blizzard, forgetting the cold, is a winter sport that can be enjoyed with all your might.

Smiles and cheers echo across the snowfield as the whole family enjoys the winter time "YUUKINKO Festival" with all their hearts, with endless love, gratitude and prayers.

More Photos

interpoint (interword separation)Click here to see (67) photos of the 34th Yukinko Festival 2021 (in front of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center) >>

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◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi