Enjoy a happy snack time with "Kurosengoku Kinako & Rice Flour Baked Donuts" and "Rice Flour Chiffon Cake"!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

We were secretly given the legendary baked donuts by the kind Daddy Long Legs of Kurosengoku!

These cute heart-shaped baked doughnuts are made with Kurosengoku soybean flour and rice flour dough, and are topped with sunflower nuts and Kurosengoku don sprinkled with a little sugar!

Kurosengoku Kinako baked doughnuts
Kurosengoku Kinako baked doughnuts
Plenty of Kurosengoku soybean flour, Kurosengoku Don, and topped with sunflower seeds!
Plenty of Kurosengoku soybean flour, Kurosengoku Don, and topped with sunflower seeds!

A moist and healthy-tasting baked donut with soft and fluffy dough and the subtle sweetness of Kurosengoku soybean flour!

Perhaps with some trial and error, a new product will be born?!
I'm looking forward to it! Please look forward to it!!!

The birth of a new product?! Stay tuned!
The birth of a new product?! Stay tuned!

This time, enjoy a happy snack time with Tsubame Kitchen's Rice Flour Chiffon Cake, which was on sale at the ice candle event!

Enjoy a happy and cheerful "baked donut" time with chamomile tea, strawberries, and yogurt, with boundless love, gratitude, and prayers.

With gratitude for a heart-warming and happy snack time!
With gratitude for a heart-warming and happy snack time!

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)