Hokuryu Bon Dance Festival, Projection Mapping, Fireworks Display (38th Hokuryu Town Himawari Festival) - a series of moving events!

Monday, August 19, 2024

On August 16, from 6:00 p.m., the "Hokuryu Bon Dance Festival" was held at the Himawari Sightseeing Center in the town of Hokuryu, followed by a grand "projection mapping" and "fireworks display" at the Himawari no Sato.

Hokuryu Bon Dance Festival

Hokuryu Bon Dance Festival 2024
  • Sponsored by:Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association
  • Main office:Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Sponsored by:Hokuryu Town, Hokuryu Town Council, Hokuryu Branch of Kita Sorachi Shinkin Bank, JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch, Hokuryu Land Improvement District, Wa Shotoku Taishi Housoukai, Hokuryu Town Specialty Store Association, Hokuryu Town Restaurant Association
  • We would like to thank everyone involved for their generous donations.

Performance by Hokuryu Taiko

The heroic beats of the Hokuryu Taiko drums echo in the air before the Bon Odori dance!

dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing)
The sound of a heroic heartbeat

Children's Bon dance (everyone will receive a participation prize of sweets)

Cute Children's Bon Dance

Bon Festival dance in costume

Thirty-three individuals and nine team entries were entered.

  • Participants:Individuals, groups (5 or more) All participants will receive a participation prize
  • Individuals :Hokuryu Town, Iwamizawa City, Uryu Town, Kamisunagawa Town, Asahikawa City, Fukagawa City, Numata Town, Takikawa City, Imosegyu Town
  • Groups :Hokuryu Town, Imoseguro Town, Shintotsukawa Town, Uryu Town, Fukagawa City

Individual division: 1st prize (30,000 yen), 2nd to 30th (prizes)

  • Winner :No. 10 (Hokuryu Town)
  • Runner-up:No. 24 (Iwamizawa City)
  • 3rd :No. 23 (Iwamizawa City)

Individual winner: Ms. Sell (Hokuryu Town, Assistant Language Teacher/ALT)

Individual winner, Ms. Sell (Hokuryu Town, Assistant Language Teacher/ALT)

Group division: Prizes for first place (100,000 yen), second place (70,000 yen), third place (50,000 yen), and all teams below fourth place will receive prizes.

  • Winner :Butterflies in the night (Imoseguro Town)
  • Runner-up:Team Miharu (Hokuryu Town)
  • 3rd :Madame Butterfly (Shintotsukawa Town)

Winner: Night Butterfly (Imosegyo Town)

Group Winner: Night Butterfly (Imosegyo Town)

Runner-up: Team Miharu (Hokuryu Town)

Team Miharu (Hokuryu Town), runner-up in the team competition

No. 3: Madame Butterfly (Shintotsukawa Town)

Group 3: Madame Butterfly (Shintotsukawa Town)

Special Prize: Cinderella (Hokuryu Town)

Special Prize: Cinderella (Hokuryu Town)

Introducing the group teams participating from Hokuryu Town

Congressional Team

Congressional Team

Town Hall Team

Town Hall Team

Hokuryu Drum Team

dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing)

Extra: Bakabon no Papa? Correct answer: Yasuhiro Sasaki, Mayor! Correct answer: Yasuhiro Sasaki, the Mayor.

バカボンのパパ?、だぁれ〜?!【正解:佐々木康宏 町長】
Daddy Bakabon? What's that? Correct answer: Yasuhiro Sasaki, the Mayor.

Youtube Video

projection mapping

The projection mapping images projected on the wooded area of Himawari no Sato were created by eight third- and fourth-year students of the Department of Information Media under the guidance of Associate Professor Keitaro Oshima of the Faculty of Information Media, Hokkaido University of Information Sciences (Ebetsu City) (with the cooperation of Mr. Nobuyuki Murakami, a community support worker for Hokuryu Town, and Ms. Yui Sasaki, a member of the Japan Community Development Cooperation Volunteers). ).

The projected images mysteriously depict sunflowers, fireworks, dragons, and other patterns like sparkling light art.

projection mapping
Projection Mapping: Dragon
Projection Mapping: Sunflowers

Youtube Video

firework(s) display

A spectacular fireworks display will be launched before your eyes at the Himawari no Sato lawn!
A dream festival of brilliant and fleeting moments of light that shine brightly in the midsummer night!

A Midsummer Night's Dream
A festival of ephemeral light
A Splendid Crush of Light
Impressed with both the large number of customers

We wish you a wonderful time filled with excitement, love, gratitude, and prayers with the heart-thumping beats of Hokuryu Taiko drums, cute children's Bon Odori dance, unique and gorgeous Bon Odori dance in costume, and midsummer night light festival with projection mapping and fireworks.

Youtube Video


With heartfelt thanks for this moving moment.


Related Pages

The 38th Himawari Festival (Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido) was held!
Saturday, July 20, 2024 - Sunday, August 18, 2024
❂ Days: 30 days ❂ Area: approx. 23 ha ❂ Number of trees: 2 million ❂ Best time to visit: early August

2024年 第38回北竜町ひまわりまつり・表
2024年 第38回北竜町ひまわりまつり・裏




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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)