Ryoji Kikura's "Sunflowers" with a prayer (wish) for peace, which bloomed beautifully again this year!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

In the field on the west side of Itaya Public Housing, "sunflowers with prayers (wishes) for peace" are blooming beautifully again this year.

Sunflowers with prayers (wishes) for peace

Mr. Ryoji Kikura (an honorary resident of Hokuryu Town) raised these sunflowers with great love and care.

In this plot, the seeding was timed and planted in three separate sections.

Sunflowers, beautifully blooming toward the midsummer sun, pass the baton!

With boundless love, gratitude, and prayers for the graceful and powerful sunflowers that can be enjoyed to the fullest until autumn.

平和の祈り(願い)をこめて 真夏の太陽に向かって 美しく力強く咲き誇るひまわり
Sunflowers bloom beautifully and powerfully toward the midsummer sun with prayers (wishes) for peace.

Ryoji Kikura, who carefully and lovingly grows sunflowers

Ryoji Kikura, who carefully and lovingly grows sunflowers

A bee sucking the delicious nectar of sunflowers!

A bee sucking the delicious nectar of sunflowers!

The seeding time was staggered, and the trees were planted in three separate plots.

Planting in three separate plots with different seeding times

Manchurian wild rice (Zizania latifolia)

Sunflowers in bloom in the former Kikura family's field, corn growing well, and "makomodake," which is in its third year of cultivation this year, is growing mysteriously.

This year marks the third year that Ryoji Kikura has been growing Mako-dake at the request of Noboru Shimizu, a resident of Chiba Prefecture.

Makomo is a sacred spiritual herb used in the Suzumidono Matsuri, the Makomo ritual held annually in June at Izumo-taisha Shrine.

Bamboo shoots growing rapidly

With gratitude to the sacred Mako Moss, in which the gods reside.

With gratitude to the Mako Bamboo, where the gods reside.

We pray with great love, gratitude, and prayers to the graceful sunflowers for peace, the corn with its power of vigor, and the sacred sacred sacred plant Mako Moss for good health and a bountiful harvest.

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)