Tuesday, June 18, 2024
First auction of Hokuryu sunflower melons 2024
Kyokuichi Fruit and Vegetable Auction (Asahikawa, Japan)
On Monday, June 17, the day after the first shipment of Hokuryu melons, the first auction was held at the Kyokuichi Fruit and Vegetable Auction (Asahikawa City) from 06:45.
Kyokuichi Corporation
Kyokuichi Corporation is a wholesaler at the Asahi Ichi Asahikawa Regional Wholesale Market, which provides consumers with safe, secure, and stable fresh food products in the fisheries, produce, and livestock industries.

Everyone heading to the market.

The fruit and vegetable auction floor is filled with seasonal produce from all over Japan. The mellow aroma of fruits and vegetables fills the market.

Cases of sunflower watermelon are also lined up.

Officials wait for the start of the first auction.

People looking into the first shipment of sunflower melon cases

A row of Hihimawari melons.

Superior 5 sunflower melons covered with a magnificent net!
Greetings from Mayor Sasaki, Nagai area representative, and Ishii Sunflower Melon Growers Association representative

Prior to the first auction, the Mayor of the town, Yasuhiro Sasaki, gave a speech!
We are here to bring you the very sweet sunflower melons again this year. We hope you will enjoy them! Mayor Sasaki said.
My name is Minoru Nagai and I am the Hokuryu District Representative Director of JA Kitasorachi. This year's melons are sweet with sugar content exceeding 17 degrees. We look forward to delivering delicious melons again this year.
I am Takashi Ishii, the representative of Sunflower Melon Production Association. I look forward to working with you again this one season!" .
First auction of Hokuryu Sunflower Melons
The auctioneer's vigorous shouts echo through the air!

Auctioned off in a flash! Congratulatory price of 100,000 yen (a box of Shu 5玊)! Congratulations!

The first auction ended without incident!

The passionate thoughts of the producers who talk to each other.

Kyokuichi Corporation Corporate Logo
The corporate logo is a graphic representation of the character for Asahiichi, representing the morning sun and a horizontal line.
The morning sun symbolizes the energy that brightens and rises in the world, and the horizon line symbolizes our humble feeling toward nature!
The logo mark expresses our deep desire that this irreplaceable moment in the ever-changing market will build history.
The corporate logo mark displayed on the building!

With boundless love, gratitude, and prayers for the exquisite and delicious "Sunflower Melon" of summer, which brings bright and energetic power to the world.
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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)