Courtesy visit to Hokkaido Government "The 38th Hokuryu Town Sunflower Festival" and "Kuro Sengoku Soybeans" Please take care!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11, the second day of the "Phantom Kuro Sengoku Soy Fair in Chikaho" (Kuro Sengoku Business Cooperative Association), Mayor Yasuhiro Sasaki paid an encouraging visit to the Kuro Sengoku Soy booth at the Chika Ho (Sapporo Station Street Underground Plaza).

Courtesy visit to Hokkaido Government

On the same day, Mayor Yasuhiro Sasaki, Chairman Yukio Takada of the Hokuryu Town Sunflower Tourism Association (President of Kuro Sengoku Cooperative Association), and Manager Hajime Namba of the Hokuryu Town Hall General Affairs Division paid a courtesy visit to the Hokkaido Government Office with a poster of the 38th Hokuryu Town Sunflower Festival 2024, and with Kuro Sengoku Natto & Kinako Shiru Kimu (soybean paste) as gifts.

Unfortunately, Governor Naomichi Suzuki was away on a business trip that day. Although we were unable to meet him, we were able to meet with Mr. Hiroshi Kitakaze, Manager of the Secretarial Division of the Governor's Office, and we promoted Hokuryu-cho well.

After that, we visited the Agriculture and Economy Departments to hand out posters and promote the "38th Hokuryu Town Sunflower Festival 2024".

To all those who have greeted me

  • Hiroshi Kitakaze, Manager, Secretarial Division, Governor's Office, Hokkaido Policy Department
  • Director, Hokkaido Agricultural Administration Department, Hiroshi Mitobe
  • Masakazu Oura, Deputy Director, Hokkaido Agricultural Administration Dept.
  • Hokkaido Agricultural Policy Department, Agricultural Policy Division, Director Seikei Kuroshima
  • Toshihiro Odagiri, Hokkaido Economic Affairs Department, Tourism Promotion Supervisor
北海道総合政策部 知事室秘書課・北風浩 課長
Hiroshi Kitakaze, Manager, Secretarial Division, Governor's Office, Hokkaido Policy Department
北海道農政部・水戸部裕 部長(中央)、大浦正和 次長(右)
Hiroshi Mitobe, Director (center) and Masakazu Oura, Deputy Director (right), Hokkaido Agricultural Administration Department
北海道経済部・小田桐俊宏 観光振興監
Toshihiro Odagiri, Hokkaido Economic Affairs Department, Tourism Promotion Supervisor
In front of the Hokkaido Government Office.
Building area near the provincial government office

We sincerely hope that the 38th Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Festival 2024 posters will spread, and that the yellow sunflowers of happiness from Hokuryu-cho will bloom at the Hokkaido Government Office and bring happy smiles to the people of Hokkaido.

第38回北竜町ひまわりまつり 2024
The 38th Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Festival 2024

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)