Men and women of all ages in Hokuryu Town gather for early morning radio calisthenics to keep their spirits up.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Under a refreshing blue sky, early morning radio calisthenics are held every year at the plaza in front of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center. It is sponsored by the Hokuryu Town Board of Education. This year, too, many town residents participated from 06:30 in the early morning.

Radio calisthenics (in front of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center)

early-morning radio calisthenics
early-morning radio calisthenics

This year, due to the new coronavirus, the program will begin on Thursday, June 25 and end on Friday, September 11.

Model Performance: Ms. Kayoko Tanimoto

Ms. Kayoko Tanimoto (age 69) is in the foreground, giving a model performance.

Model performance by Kayoko Tanimoto
Model performance by Kayoko Tanimoto

Keep your feet firmly up!
Keep your feet firmly up!

Men and women of all ages together

There were about 23 participants that day. They ranged in age from elementary school students to an 89-year-old senior citizen.

With your mother!
With your mother!

Growing taller and taller.
Growing taller and taller.

In rhythm with the rhythm.
In rhythm with the rhythm.

Line up in a row...
Line up in a row...

Participants will receive a stamp attached to their radio calisthenics attendance card. Many people have achieved perfect attendance.

Mitsuko Inoue, the oldest participant at 89 years old, participated in good health

Mitsuko Inoue, 89, has been attending for four or five years without missing a meeting.

This year, I am doing the exercises because my body is in good shape. Thanks to these exercises, I can spend the whole day feeling good. Of course, it is good to do the exercises, but it is also good to walk here and feel refreshed.

When I come here to do exercises, I move my body with all my might, and my back naturally straightens out, so it feels really good," said Ms. Inoue with a cheerful tone and a kind smile.

Stand up straight.
Stand up straight.

Take a deep breath!
Take a deep breath!

Mr. Inoue is a role model for how we should live our lives," said one of the participants.

Mitsuko Inoue (89), Kiyo Nakagawa (84), Hideko Arima (79), you are young, healthy and wonderful!

Mitsuko Inoue (middle), Kiyo Nakagawa (right), Hideko Arima (left)
Mitsuko Inoue (middle), Kiyo Nakagawa (right), Hideko Arima (left)

The energy for the day starts with morning exercises!
The early morning radio calisthenics, filled with the energy of the town of Hokuryu, is a source of boundless love, gratitude, and prayers.

Bask in the great morning light!
Bask in the great morning light!

More Photos

interpoint (interword separation)Click here for 40 photos of early morning radio exercises >>

◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi

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