The North Manga Grand Prix was awarded to Mr. Okimoto of Fukagawa in the Manga category and to Mr. paraff of Saitama in the Illustration category [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital].

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Hokkaido Shimbun Digital, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo, Japan), carried an article (dated February 7) titled "North Manga Grand Prix: Mr. Okimoto from Fukagawa won in the Manga category, and Mr. paraff from Saitama won in the Illustration category.

The article states, "'Hirasol Romantica' is the story of a girl who struggles to convey her true feelings to her grandmother, who has become estranged from her for one reason or another. Sorachi Pref.Sunflower Village" in Hokuryu Townwas drawn, and his composition and drawing ability, which incorporated a romance with a classmate, were highly acclaimed," it stated.

You can read the full manga on the official website of the North Manga Award.

Hokkaido Shimbun Digital

【北竜町ひまわりの里が登場】北のまんが大賞 まんが部門に深川の沖本さん イラスト部門は埼玉のparaffさん【北海道新聞デジタル】
The North Manga Grand Prix was awarded to Mr. Okimoto of Fukagawa in the Manga category, and to Mr. paraff of Saitama in the Illustration category [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital].

North Manga Award Official Website

【北竜町ひまわりの里が登場】『ヒラソルロマンチカ』 沖本マカ(深川市)【北のまんが大賞HP】
Hirasol Romantica" by Maka Okimoto (Fukagawa City) [Manga Award of the North HP].

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