Beware of Bears: Realistic Snow Statue Created by Families in Front of Hekisui Police Station, Hokuryu [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital] (In Japanese Only)

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Hokkaido Shimbun Digital, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo), introduces an article (dated January 11) titled "Beware of Bears: Realistic Snow Statue Created by Family in Front of Hekisui Police Station in Hokuryu, Hokkaido".

クマ出没注意 リアルな雪像で 北竜・碧水駐在所前 家族で製作【北海道新聞デジタル】
Beware of Bears: Realistic Snow Statue Created by Families in Front of Hekisui Police Station, Hokuryu [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital] (In Japanese Only)
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