Dissolution of Sorachi Himawari, a family association for young people with dementia (resolved at a special general meeting in 2023), and heartfelt thanks for its past activities!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

On Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., a special general meeting of the young dementia family association "Sorachi Himawari" (Representative Isao Hiraba) was held at the Hokuryu-cho Senior Citizen Welfare Center.

Young Dementia Family Association "Sorachi Himawari" disbanded (January 21)

On the agenda was a discussion on the future of "Sorachi Himawari". Participants exchanged opinions and unanimously resolved to dissolve "Young Dementia Family Association Sorachi Himawari" as of today.

The activity report, financial report, and audit report for FY2022 were also approved, and it was resolved that the remaining balance to be carried over to the next fiscal year would be donated to the Hokuryu-cho Council of Social Welfare.

令和5年「若年認知症家族会 空知ひまわり」臨時総会
2023 Extraordinary General Meeting of "Young Dementia Family Association Sorachi Himawari

Sorachi Himawari", a family association for young people with dementia, was established in November 11, 2007 in Hokuryu-cho. We welcomed Mr. Shinji Nakamura and his family from Tokyo and started our activities with the support of 23 supporters.

In 2016, Shinji passed away due to aspiration pneumonia.

Since then, we have continued our activities by accepting several people with young dementia, but each of them has been admitted to an institution or hospitalized. In addition, due to the Corona disaster since 2020, Sorachi Himawari's activities have continued to decline over the past few years.

Most of the members were elderly and said, "I am now in a condition to be taken care of myself," or "If there is anything I can do to help in the future, I will do my best to help in accordance with my physical fitness.

In view of the changing times and global situation, and in keeping with the natural flow of the times, it is with great regret that we have decided to dissolve the Sorachi Himawari Family Association for Young Dementia.

空知ひまわり 15年間の主な活動
Sorachi Himawari Main activities for 15 years
Received the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award
Received the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award
Thank you for the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award

Sorachi Himawari" Family Association for Young Dementia: 15 Years of History

After the exchange of opinions, everyone viewed a photo exhibit looking back over the past 15 years. This exhibit was put together over the course of about a month by the secretariat, led by Executive Director Michito Nakamura.

Thirty-five photographs were selected from more than 10,000 taken over the past 15 years and printed and displayed. And 65 photographic images shown in a PowerPoint presentation during the 10th anniversary lecture were displayed.

Everyone stopped in front of the photos and reminisced about the activities of those days. 15 years passed like a running lantern, and their hearts were filled with nostalgic memories.

Photographs of 15 years of memories
51st Hokusho Road Races, etc.
Christmas party, New Year's party, etc.
Citizen's Health Forum, etc.
Sorachi Himawari 5th anniversary, etc.
Sorachi Himawari 1st anniversary, etc.
Everyone is soaked in nostalgic memories....

The 65-picture video shown in a PowerPoint presentation during the 10th anniversary lecture was also on display.

65 photos shown in the PowerPoint presentation

Isao HAYABA received a plaque from the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award.

Finally, the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award (awarded in 2013) was presented to Isao Hiraba by Vice Representative Moriaki Tanaka, who also handed over a certificate and plaque, as well as a photo of the exhibition.

Received the 37th Doshin Volunteer Encouragement Award
Receipt of exhibit photos and certificates

Souvenirs: boxed lunches, drinks, freezer bags

The tour ended with a boxed lunch, drink, and freezer bag as souvenirs, and everyone headed home in groups of three.

Receiving souvenirs...
Freezer Packs & Drinks
Delicious bento!

Grateful thoughts from my wife and I

Sorachi Himawari's 2nd anniversary and our first visit to Hokuryu Town!

For my wife and I, the Sorachi Himawari young adult dementia family association was a special and precious existence. We are now able to exist in this wonderful town of Hokuryu thanks to the members of Sorachi Himawari.

It was the warmth and hospitality of the people who welcomed us with a potluck party in those days that led us to make the decision to move to Hokuryu Town.

Our hearts are filled with unspeakable feelings of gratitude for how much we have been saved and how much we have been touched with gratitude.

We would like to continue to walk slowly through the rest of our lives, one step at a time, with gratitude in our hearts and to repay the many people of Hokuryu who still warmly support us.

Thank you so much!
With infinite love, gratitude, and prayers to the grateful people of Hokuryu who watch over us and support us.

More Photos

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◇ Photography and Editing: Noboru Terauchi Reporting and Writing: Ikuko Terauchi