January 2022

  • January 14, 2022

2022 [Countermeasures against new coronavirus infection] Hokuryu Town Disaster Prevention Radio: All facilities are suspended for the time being.

The following is a report from the Hokuryu Town Disaster Prevention Radio broadcast on January 14, 2022 (Friday) (all houses in Hokuryu Town and speaker broadcast). From the Hokuryu-cho New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Countermeasures Headquarters, all facilities are suspended for the time being.

  • January 14, 2022

Conclusion of "Basic Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Event of a Large-Scale Disaster" with Hokuryu Town and Horonobe Town [Hokkaido Electric Power Co.

January 14, 2022 (Fri.) HOKUDEN (Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.) announced on its website that Hokkaido Electric Power and Hokkaido Electric Power Network have signed a "Basic Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Event of a Major Disaster" with Hokuryu Town and Horonobe Town, respectively [...].

  • January 11, 2022

Dongtoyaki" at Shinryu Shrine: heartfelt wishes for a bright world where plague and disease are banished and people are free from illness.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 The "Dongtoyaki" was held yesterday, Monday, January 10, at the Shinryu Shrine. A solemn ritual to send the god of the New Year (the New Year's god responsible for fertility), the "Dongtoyaki" is a festival that uses the purifying power of sacred fire to ward off [...].