Hokuryu Town Related Information

  • October 12, 2020

(Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (Horokanai-machi, Fukagawa-city, Hokuryu-machi, etc.) are now on sale at Seven-Eleven stores nationwide! Information related to Hokuryu Town

Monday, October 12, 2020 Soba noodles made from new buckwheat flour produced by JA Kitasorachi (head office: Fukagawa City, Hokkaido) will be sold at 21,000 7-Eleven stores nationwide, which boasts the largest number of stores in Japan! The period is November 1, 2020 [...].

  • September 23, 2020

Donation of ink painting "Ascending Dragon" by Yoshio Ayabe, a Matsuri Doraku-shi teacher, to Hokuryu-cho [Enjoy! Happy Life of a Senior Couple].

September 23, 2020 (Wednesday) We are pleased to announce that the ink painting "Ascending Dragon" by Mr. Yoshio Ayabe, a Matsuri Doraku painter, was donated to Hokuryu Town on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 with the wish that "Plague and disease will be dispelled! Development of Hokuryu-cho Like a Rising Dragon" was donated to the town of Hokuryu-cho on Tuesday, September 15, with the wish that "the town will grow like a rising dragon. His teacher, Aya [...].

  • August 19, 2020

Ryoji Kikura (former head of Kitasorachi Agricultural Cooperative Union), food safety and security cannot be protected (Hokkaido Shimbun All Hokkaido Edition, page 6, August 19, 2020 morning edition, Wednesday discussion corner, "The Impact of the Revision of the Seeds and Seedlings Law")

August 19, 2020 (Thursday) In the Wednesday discussion corner of the Hokkaido Shimbun's All Hokkaido Edition, page 6 (August 19, 2020 morning edition), "The Impact of the Revision of the Seeds and Seedlings Law," Mr. Ryoji Kikura, Hokuryu Town resident and former head of the Kitasorachi Agricultural Cooperative, gave his opinion, "Food safety and security cannot be protected [...].