Hokuryu Town Related Information

  • June 14, 2023

Mr. Kazuo Kimura (Hokuryu Town resident) is scheduled to make a friendship performance! Hokkaido Song Festival in Fukagawa (Fukagawa City Cultural Exchange Hall Mi-rai)

June 14, 2023 (Wed.) On June 23 (Fri.), the event "Charity Songs for Genki," which will be held at "Fukagawa City Cultural Exchange Hall Mi-Ra-I! The event will be held at Fukagawa City Cultural Exchange Hall Mi-Ra-I on June 23 (Fri.), and Kimura Kazu, a resident of Hokuryu Town, will perform in the "Part 1: Friendship Performance" section.

  • May 30, 2023

Sunflowers from the town of Hokuryu were introduced in the article "Osaka International Junior High School Students Grow and Sell Vegetable and Flower Seedlings, Carefully Introducing Their Characteristics" [Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun].

In the article "Growing and Selling Vegetables and Flower Seedlings: Osaka Kokusai Junior High School Students Carefully Introduce Characteristics" (May 26, 2023) in the Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun, an Internet site operated by Shin Nihon Kai Shimbun, Inc.