[Based in Hokuryu Town] Connecting smiles in the town and connecting the future of the region! Kita Sorachi Shinkin Bank [Kurashigoto]

Monday, December 9, 2024


記事内には、「旭川市から車で西へ30分ほど走った深川市に本店がある北空知信金は、深川市、沼田町、Hokuryu Town、秩父別町、妹背牛町の1市4町の北空知広域圏と、お隣り幌加内町や滝川市、旭川市、そして札幌市にも拠点を持つ地域密着の金融機関」と掲載されています。

[Based in Hokuryu Town] Connecting smiles in the town and connecting the future of the region! Kita Sorachi Shinkin Bank [Kurashigoto]
[Based in Hokuryu Town] Connecting smiles in the town and connecting the future of the region! Kita Sorachi Shinkin Bank [Kurashigoto]

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