Tuesday, September 17, 2024
On Thursday, September 12, from 10:00 a.m., the Hokuryu-cho Himawari University Lecture (sponsored by the Board of Education) was held in the main hall of the community center.
- 1 ◉ Lecturer: Naoki Kishi, representative of Hokuryu Kendama Club (Director of Social Education, Hokuryu Board of Education) ◉ Subject: History of Hokuryu Kendama Club and fun Kendama recreation for everyone @ Himawari University
- 1.1 Hokuryu Kendama Club Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary
- 1.2 Explanation of Kendama Types
- 1.3 Establishment of the Hokuryu Town Kendama Club
- 1.4 Ms. Kishi believes that being a social educator is "a role that connects people to people."
- 1.5 The Hokuryu Kendama Club "creates a place where children and adults can connect.
- 1.6 Founding of Hokuryu Kendama Club in 2021
- 1.7 Solving one issue after another!
- 1.8 Changing the image of kendama from "competing in tricks" to "playing
- 1.9 Naoki Kishi and the "Hokuryu Kendama Club" to date
- 1.10 Kendama is good for your health!
- 1.11 All participants tried the kendama "hand-nose lighthouse" game.
- 2 Youtube Video
- 3 More Photos
- 4 Related Articles and Websites
◉ Lecturer: Naoki Kishi, representative of Hokuryu Kendama Club (Director of Social Education, Hokuryu Board of Education)
◉ Subject: History of Hokuryu Kendama Club and fun Kendama recreation for everyone @ Himawari University
The lecturer will be Naoki Kishi, representative of the Hokuryu Kendama Club (Director of Social Education, Hokuryu Town Board of Education), who will speak on "History of the Hokuryu Kendama Club and Fun Recreation for Everyone.
About 30 students from Himawari University participated and spent a meaningful time learning about "social education through Kendama" in Hokuryu Town.

Hokuryu Kendama Club Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary
The Hokuryu Kendama Club was established in 2021 and will celebrate its third anniversary on Saturday, September 14 this year.

Explanation of Kendama Types

- toy kendama
○ Small kendama available in gacha
- Competition Kendama "Ozora" (Made in Japan)
- Sweets Kendama (Made in U.S.A.)
Kendama is currently the mainstream
○ Differences from Japanese products are that the plates are a little larger, the balls are less slippery and easier to ride on, and they are made with better stability.
○ Also used in the World Cup
○ Anyone can participate in the World Cup if they apply. This year, a child from Asahikawa won 3rd place in her age group competition.
- dice
3D printed Kendama ball with a dice-like "surface" instead of a sphere
- Tubular Ken (with a large or small length of tube)
A ball (with sand inside) is flown and placed on a tube that looks like a box of potato chips.
Tsutsuriken won the Good Toy 2021 Award and the Multi-generational Exchange Award in the category of "Good Toys 2021.
- 5-strand kendama
Kendama: 5 balls on a plate at once
○ 10- and 20-strand kendama, etc.
Establishment of the Hokuryu Town Kendama Club
The impetus for the establishment of the Kendama Club came from the "Kendama Ken-chan Comes to You" event held in 2020 as part of the "Exchange Program for Children and the Elderly (sponsored by the Board of Education). which was held in 2020 (2020).
It all started with the 2020 event "Kendama Ken-chan is Coming!"

The program aims to nurture respect and compassion for the elderly among children, who will lead the next generation, by utilizing their rich experience and diverse abilities to interact with the elderly.

Naoki Kishi initiated "Kendama" in Hokuryu Town.
Before coming to Hokuryu Town, Mr. Kishi worked for three years at the "Hokkaido Youth Experience Activity Support Facility, Neipal Fukagawa" in Otoe-cho, Fukagawa City. Through his contacts at that time, he organized a "Kendama" event in Hokuryu-cho.
- There are six Hokkaido Youth Experience Activity Support Facilities in six locations in Hokkaido (Sunagawa City, Fukagawa City, Mori Town, Kitami City, Ashoro Town, and Atsugishi Town). Interaction among the facilities is active, and information is actively exchanged.
- At the time, Kendama Ken-chan, aka Retsu Saito, used to work at the Neipal facility in Morimachi
- When I changed jobs at the Hokuryu Town Hall, I decided to try kendama in Hokuryu Town. When I approached Mr. Retsu Saito, aka Kendama Ken-chan, he immediately said "Sure~" and the business event in Hokuryu Town was realized!
- Mr. Saito had moved from Mori-machi to Atsuma-machi due to the Hokkaido Bombe earthquake (which occurred in September 2018). Ken-chan had already started a kendama club in Atsuma at that time
- In 2020, everyone wore masks because of the Corona disaster, and everyone was feeling down, but we were able to enjoy Kendama together, and the gloomy atmosphere was blown away!
- Ken-chan's event was not a contest of kendama skills, but rather playing blocks and dominoes with kendama. It was so much fun that the children wowed and got excited, and everyone was able to cooperate and have fun playing the game. Children and the elderly enjoyed the kendama game together.
Children want to play more fun Kendama!
- Children said, "Kendama is fun! I want to do more! and "I want to do more!
- The reason for my difficulty with Kendama was based on the belief that I had to complete difficult techniques.
- After the event, Kendama Ken-chan said to me, "If it's going to be this exciting in Hokuryu Town, why don't you start a 'Kendama Club'? he said to me.

Creating a place where people can play together through kendama
- Mr. Kishi responded, "That's great, but I can't teach kendama! to which Mr. Kishi responded, "That's great, but I can't teach kendama!
- Ken-chan replied, "You don't have to teach kendama! We just need to create a place where children and adults can play together through kendama!
Ken-chan's comment was the catalyst for Mr. Kishi to start playing kendama in Hokuryu Town, and it was at this time that he realized for the first time the "essence of kendama.
Ms. Kishi believes that being a social educator is "a role that connects people to people."
- A social education director is a professional education official assigned to prefectural and municipal boards of education based on the Social Education Law (Hokuryu Town does not hire social education professionals, so they are transferred to other departments). This name of social education officer can be used when a qualified person is issued by the town.
- On the other hand, "Social Educator" is a title for specialists who play a central role in human and community development through learning, which was started in 2020. Anyone can acquire the qualification, even if they are not a public official. Rather than leading, the activities are more like "Let's run with others like a runner! rather than leading the way.
- The social education director is responsible for planning social education projects (Himawari University, community center courses, etc.) and supporting learning activities of local residents. Furthermore, he/she fosters and grasps human resources and promotes cooperation between school education and social education.
- In other words, in a nutshell, a social educator's role is to "connect people to people."
The Hokuryu Kendama Club "creates a place where children and adults can connect.
Mr. Kishi believes that if the role of a social educator is to "connect people with people," then let's use kendama to "create a place where children and adults can connect," something that has never been done before in Hokuryu Town! Let's start a "Hokuryu Kendama Club" where both children and adults can play together! He decided to start the Hokuryu Kendama Club, a club where both children and adults can play together.
Founding of Hokuryu Kendama Club in 2021
However, I said to myself, "Okay, let's do it! Let's do it!" However, just as they were about to get going, the Kendama Club's activities were interrupted when all related facilities were closed due to the Corona earthquake.
Finally, on September 14, 2021, the Hokuryu Kendama Club was founded! One year has passed since the idea was conceived, and it has come to fruition!

Solving one issue after another!
- Realization of the difficulty of attracting and gathering people = a mechanism that attracts people.
- He solved problems using problem-solving methods that he had always practiced in his work as a social education officer!
- I was good at (and liked) solving problems because I felt that solving problems helped me move forward. I tried to think of ways to bring people together.
Creating a system that attracts people "Freely! Have fun! When you play, be serious!
- Three loose rules are set!
Freedom! Have fun! And when you play, you mean it!

- This gathering is not a "boys club" or "inner circle."
- It is difficult to motivate children when it is as rigorous as club activities
- Appeals for free participation with a "loose feeling" that "you can take a break anytime you want" and "you can come anytime you want."
Available times for participation! One hour in the evening from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
- Set evening hours for both children and adults to come.
Practice hours at the community center for the ballet youth group are until 7:00 pm. Adults can also do it after work. Therefore, one hour from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. was set as the activity time for the Kendama Club! Furthermore, Tuesday was chosen as the day of the week when the baseball team can come.
- Allow participation from out-of-towners as well as in-towners
In the town, the "Kendama Club" spread naturally and on its own from children to families, and after one week, the existence of the "Kendama Club" was well known.
Disseminating information via Instagram
- Getting media coverage is the best way to get the word out. Established Instagram as a window to do so.
- Disseminate information on daily activities! Information is updated in real time, so it is easy to see at a glance how the activities are going on.
- Instagram followers now number 1,238, which gives me confidence in myself and encourages me to be more active.

- This Instagram has been featured in mass media (NHK Asahikawa, Kita Sorachi Newspaper's New Year's front page, etc.)
- When information is put on the Internet, it is picked up by the mass media and has a high secondary effect.
- The town's residents became aware of the event and said, "I want to try it! I want to go!" I hope that more and more people in the town will think
Changing the image of kendama from "competing in tricks" to "playing

- In games such as unicorn racing, the winner was not an adult but a fourth grader at the time
- It is an incentive to promote children's satisfaction and motivation as they earn a well-deserved first place medal.

- Aiming for activities that are fun even if you can't do kendama tricks.
- Currently, children from Uryu Town and Numata Town outside of Hokuryu Town are also participating.
- When you make time to engage in play, fun will happen on its own!
Kendama is fun because of the sense of accomplishment The sense of accomplishment when you

- I did it!" This sense of accomplishment is what makes it fun.
- The joy and realization of being able to complete a technique with a physical sensation, through continuous effort and "I might get better at it this way," leads to personal growth.
- The moment of completion fills both adults and children with emotion and joy.

Creating a system to clear the kendama technique
◉Components of the "platter" technique
- learn how to hold something (e.g. how to use it)
- Raise your balls straight up using your knees.
- Predicting the drop-off point
- Move the plate to the drop point.
- Use your knees to release the momentum of the fall and catch it in the middle of the plate
When I think, "It's hard!" so you have to change your thinking,
◉Practical practice of "platters" in three stages
To make it fun step-by-step, the students will try actual techniques after a series of simplified exercises.
- Platter toshi-tama: Drop a ball from the top and take it.
- Plate hop: use your knees to get the ball up and off the ground.
- Large Plate: On the third step, challenge the technique of the large plate.
When clearing a technique on a platter, we dare to divide it into three stages, so that "I could do it! to increase the number of "I did it!" steps, thereby increasing the willingness to do more!

Naoki Kishi and the "Hokuryu Kendama Club" to date
Year 2021
September 14: Founding of Hokuryu Kendama Club & 1st activity
October 2: Met Mr. Akamatsu, manager of a kendama store in Asahikawa, Japan.
October 5: Received technical instruction for the first time. The instructor was Mr. Akamatsu, manager of Asahikawa Kendama Shop.
November 26, 2011 Published in Kendama MAP of Global Kendama Network
December 21: First independent event held. Held the first Hokuryu Kendama Festival.
Year 2022
The front page of the Kita Sorachi Shimbun (North Sorachi Newspaper) carries a story about the voluntary event.
February 23 Attended the Global Kendama Network's Kendama Teacher Training Course
Feb. 23 Become a Global Kendama Network certified Kendama Sensei
July 5 The 2nd Hokuryu Kendama Festival was held as an independent event.
September 20: Held the Hokuryu Kendama Club's 1st Anniversary Tournament.
Year 2023
January 21 The 3rd Hokuryu Kendama Festival was held as an independent event.
March 8: Hokuryu Kendama Club made its TV debut on NHK (Hokkaido version)
March 18: Held the 1st Hekisui Resident Office Cup as an independent event (co-hosted with the Resident Office).
July 9 The 4th Hokuryu Kendama Festival was held as an independent event.
August 9 Kendama booth at Sunflower Village (4 days)
September 6: National TV debut of Osanpo Hokkaido
September 26th: Hokuryu Kendama Club 2nd Anniversary Tournament was held.
Kendama booth at Wanpaku Festival held at Fukagawa City Ikigai Bunka Center.
November 12 Opened a Kendama booth (in the morning) at the Numata-cho Yumekkuru municipal exchange festa. Opened a Kendama booth at Manabi-Pia Fukagawa held at Fukagawa Central Community Center (in the afternoon).
December 31: Participated in NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen as Kendama Heroes
Year 2024
January 27: Held the 5th Hokuryu Kendama Festival as an independent event.
April 2 The 2nd Hekisui Resident Office Cup, an independent event, was held (co-hosted with the resident office).
April 21: Certified as a Tsutsuken Ambassador
June 25: The 6th Hokuryu Kendama Festival was held as an independent event.
The first independent event was held at Sunflower Village on August 4. First Hokuryu Kendama Festival (held on August 4): -Let's play Kendama while watching sunflowers in full bloom -About 70 people participated
August 8: Interviewed by Hokkaido TV (on-chan): Broadcast date: October-November
September 24th: Hokuryu Kendama Club 3rd Anniversary Tournament scheduled to be held.
Kendama is good for your health!
- Kendama is a full-body exercise:Calorie consumption similar to walking. Good exercise even on rainy days.
- Brain activation:Balance. Move the eyes. Move the body. Exercise while
Doing familiar tricks has an effect on the brain that fosters concentration.
Doing unfamiliar tricks activates the brain and improves memory.
Prevention of dementia
- Stress Release:I did it!" leads to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

All participants tried the kendama "hand-nose lighthouse" game.
- Three groups (10 people in each) will compete for time in a "lighthouse set" game!
- This is a trick to put a ken on top of a ball with both hands to make it stand still. Play in order and compete for the time it takes everyone to complete the task.
Practice on your own!

Hokuryu Kendama Club celebrated its third anniversary!
Kendama clubs connect children with adults, people with people, and communities with communities!
I did it! and enjoy playing with the best of them in friendly competition with their friends.
Youtube Video
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Hokuryu-cho is a happy town full of smiles and energy, where people "share the joy of...
◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)