First shipment of new Sunflower Rice (sake rice and glutinous rice) produced in 2024! The great Hokuryu Town's new rice, grown with love and care!

Monday, September 9, 2024

On Friday, September 6, the first shipment of new Sunflower Rice (sake rice and glutinous rice) produced in 2024 was held at JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Office (Branch Manager Kimitoshi Washio).

First shipment of new Sunflower Rice (sake rice and glutinous rice) produced in 2024

JA Kitasorachi Hokuryu Branch Agricultural Products Collection and Shipping Facility

Three farmers, Yasunori Watanabe (sake rice, Comet), Keiji Fujii (glutinous rice, Hakkuriomochi), and Fujii Farm (glutinous rice, Hakkuriomochi), brought their new rice to the produce collection facility.

First shipment of sake rice "Comet" and glutinous rice "Hakucho-mochi

This year's first shipment came two days earlier than last year, and with ample rainfall, the crop is expected to grow well and produce a good harvest, with above average yields expected.

However, the ears are slightly taller this year, and there has been some damage from rain and wind.

The nationwide rice shortage is making it difficult to set rice prices for new rice.

Newcomers with energetic brilliance

commemorative photograph

Mr. Minoru Nagai, Ryu District Representative Director, JA Kitasorachi; Mr. Masaaki Okuda, Vice Mayor, Hokuryu Town; Mr. Yasunori Watanabe (sake rice), Mr. Keiji Fujii (glutinous rice); Mr. Kiyomasa Iwata, President, JA Kitasorachi; Mr. Naoto Matsuda, Representative Director, Ichimi District

JAきたそらち・永井稔 北竜地区代表理事、北竜町・奥田正章副 町長、渡邊靖範さん(酒米)、藤井啓二さん(もち米)、JAきたそらち・岩田清正 代表理事組合長、同・松田直人 一巳地区代表理事
From left: Minoru Nagai, Hokuryu District Representative Director, JA Kitasorachi; Masaaki Okuda, Vice Mayor, Hokuryu Town; Yasunori Watanabe (sake rice); Keiji Fujii (glutinous rice); Kiyomasa Iwata, President, JA Kitasorachi; Naoto Matsuda, Ichimi District Representative Director, JA Kitasorachi.

clear autumn sky

In the clear autumn sky, the celestial dragon clouds dance high in the sky as if celebrating a bountiful harvest of golden ears of rice!

Tenryu clouds dancing in the clear autumn sky

We express our unlimited love, gratitude and prayers for the great Hokuryu Town new rice "Sunflower Rice", which has been raised with full of love and effort as if to fulfill its natural destiny, receiving the great blessings of nature.

With gratitude for the golden ears of rice that are growing in abundance.

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◇ Reporting and writing by Ikuko Terauchi (Photography and editorial assistance by Noboru Terauchi)