The 38th Himawari (Sunflower) Festival Opens Mayor says, "We want to spread Hokuryu's sunflowers to the world" [Kita Sorachi Shimbun].

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Kita Sorachi Shimbun, an Internet site operated by the Kita Sorachi Shimbun (Fukagawa City), features the following article (dated July 24): "38th Sunflower Festival Begins: Town Mayor 'Wants to Spread the Sunflowers of Hokuryu to the World.

38回目のひまわりまつり、開幕 町長『北竜のひまわりを世界にとどろかせたい』【北空知新聞】
The 38th Himawari (Sunflower) Festival Opens with the Town Mayor: "We want to spread Hokuryu's sunflowers to the world" [Kita Sorachi Shimbun].

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