Hokuryu-cho # Sunflower Festival # Circumnavigation Mystery to be performed again 🙌 "# A Story to Hear in the Sunflower" [Claystone projects].

Monday, June 10, 2024

#: Stories told by a sunflower" which was very popular last year will be held again this year. We would like to introduce the website, Facebook, and Instagram of [Claystone projects].

Claystone projects website

\北竜町 #ひまわりまつり #周遊謎 再演決定🙌/  昨年ご好評頂いた #向日葵に聞く物語 ( #北海道謎よか賞 受賞)が帰ってきます ✨ ファミリー・初心者から #謎解き ファンまで楽しめる、仕掛け盛り沢山の自信作!この機会に絶景のひまわりまつりへ 🌻【Claystone projects】
The superb riddle "A tale heard in the sunflower" will be performed again! Claystone projects

Youtube Video

Claystone projects] Facebook

\Hokuryu-cho # Sunflower Festival # Circuit Mystery will be performed again 🙌/ The # Mukohi ni Kiku Monogatari (# Hokkaido Mystery Yoka Prize winner) that was popular last year will return ✨ This is a confident work with many tricks that can be enjoyed by everyone from families and beginners to # mystery solving fans! Take this opportunity to visit the Sunflower Festival with a spectacular view 🌻 【Claystone projects】.

Claystone projects] Instagram

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