Recipe for "Kuro Sengoku Natto and Cabbage Omelette" [Natto Hisshitsu Azuma Foods Co.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The recipe for "Kuro Sengoku Natto and Cabbage Omelette" is posted on the Internet site "Natto Hishinsuji Azuma Shokuhin K.K." operated by Azuma Foods Co.

Recipe for "Kuro Sengoku Natto and Cabbage Omelette

「黒千石なっとうとキャベツのオムレツ」レシピ【納豆ひとすじ あづま食品株式会社】
Recipe for "Kuro Sengoku Natto and Cabbage Omelette" [Natto Hisshitsu Azuma Foods Co.

2 cups of kuro-sengoku natto

黒千石小粒なっとうカップ2【納豆ひとすじ あづま食品株式会社】
Kuro Sengoku Small Grain Natto Cup 2 [Natto Hito Azuma Foods Co.

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