Agriculture, Land, and Water: Hokuryu Town Activity Organization Receives Hokkaido Industrial Contribution Award [Hokuryu Town HP] (Japanese only)

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Agriculture, Land, and Water: The Hokuryu Town Organization (Representative: Mr. Akimitsu Takada) attended the Hokkaido Industrial Contribution Award (for distinguished service to agriculture) ceremony on February 13, and reported to Mayor Sano on February 16.

Since its establishment in 2007, the organization has contributed to the revitalization of the community and the promotion of agriculture and farming villages through the conservation and management of farmland and waterways, as well as the planting of sunflowers as a symbol of the town's development, together with non-farmers and other local residents.

農地・水北竜町活動組織が 北海道産業貢献賞を受賞【北竜町HP】
Hokuryu-cho Agriculture, Land and Water Activity Organization Receives Hokkaido Industrial Contribution Award [Hokuryu-cho Website] (Japanese only)