Overview of the Regional Public Transport Maintenance and Improvement Project in the Hokuryu Town Regional Public Transport Revitalization Council [Hokkaido District Transport Bureau].

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Hokkaido Transport Bureau has posted on its website the contents of a secondary evaluation of the efforts of the Regional Public Transport Revitalization Councils, based on a self-evaluation by each council and the opinions of the Third-Party Evaluation Committee of the Hokkaido Transport Bureau's Regional Public Transport Maintenance and Improvement Project.


北竜町地域公共交通活性化協議会における地域公共交通確保維持改善事業の概要【北海道運輸局】Overview of the Regional Public Transport Maintenance and Improvement Project in the Hokuryu Town Regional Public Transport Revitalization Council [Hokkaido District Transport Bureau].
PDF] Overview of the Regional Public Transport Maintenance and Improvement Project in the Hokuryu Town Regional Public Transport Revitalization Council [Hokkaido District Transport Bureau].
Hokuryu Town Portal

On Thursday, June 3, 2021, the Hokkaido District Transport Bureau announced a self-evaluation by each council and a third-party...