Acrylic painting of a sunflower field in Hokuryu-cho, Hokkaido] "Mama, I can't stand up," an elementary school student who lost the freedom of her legs and hands dreamed in her bed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2023

Asahi Shimbun DEGITAL

The Asahi Shimbun DEGITAL, an Internet site operated by the Asahi Shimbun Company (Tokyo, Japan), has published an article (dated February 19) titled "'Mama, I Can't Stand Up' Elementary School Student Who Lost Freedom of Her Legs and Hands Finds Dream in Bed.

The article states, "An acrylic painting of a sunflower field in the town of Hokuryu, Hokkaido, is placed on a shelf by the bed.

「ママァ、立てない」足も手も自由失った小学生 ベッドで見つけた夢【朝日新聞DEGITAL】

「ママァ、立てない」足も手も自由失った小学生 ベッドで見つけた夢【朝日新聞DEGITAL】 An elementary school student who lost the freedom of her legs and hands had a dream that she found in her bed.

Youtube channel [Hazuki-chan Family].


Hokuryu Town Portal

Flowering Status Event Access Lunch Image The 38th Himawari Festival (Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido) will be held! Saturday, July 20, 2024...

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