Local Ski Resorts Attract Foreign Ski Tourists to Survive and Thrive <D Select, Hokkaido Shimbun

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Hokkaido Shimbun D Select, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo), features an article (dated February 13) titled "Surviving Local Ski Resorts: Surprising Investments and 'Hole-in-the-Wall' Attract Foreign Visitors.

The author of this article, Masato Funasaki, is a "native of Hokuryu-cho, Sorachi Province, who joined the company in 1997 and worked in the Economics Department, the Tokyo News Center, and in London before assuming his current position in March 2023. After working in the Economics Department, Tokyo News Center, and London, he will assume his current position in March 2023.

生き残りかけるローカルスキー場 驚きの投資も 「穴場」に海外客注目 <舟崎デジタル委員が読み解く>【北海道新聞・Dセレクト】
Local Ski Resorts Attract Foreign Ski Tourists to Survive and Thrive <D Select, Hokkaido Shimbun

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