A bear holding a salmon in its mouth calls out for "traffic safety" and "beware of hares." Mr. Hoshino of the Hekisui Police Station, together with his family, created a snow sculpture this year in conjunction with the "110 Day" campaign.

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Internet site run by the Kita-Kuuchi-Shimbun (Fukagawa City) featured an article (dated January 13) titled "A bear with a salmon in its mouth calls for "traffic safety" and "beware of hares" on "110 Day," and Mr. Hoshino of the Hekisui Police Station and his family made snow sculptures again this year.

サケをくわえたクマ「交通安全」「サギ注意」呼びかけ 「110番の日」に合わせ今年も雪像を制作 碧水駐在所の星野さんが家族とともに【北空知新聞】
A bear holding a salmon in its mouth calls out for "traffic safety" and "beware of hares." Mr. Hoshino of the Hekisui Police Station, together with his family, created a snow sculpture this year in conjunction with the "110 Day" campaign.

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