Former AKB Mariya Suzuki: The most memorable memory of this summer in Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Sports Hochi," an Internet site operated by the Hochi Shimbun, carried the article "[Former AKB Mariya Suzuki's Honobono Hokkaido Life] Special Flower 'Mukohiroi' (Sunflower) (Hokuryu Town) Is the Best Memory of This Summer" (September 10).

In this article, it is stated that "My most memorable experience in Hokkaido this summer was going to see sunflowers in Hokuryu Town.

【元AKB鈴木まりや ほのぼの北海道ライフ】特別な花「向日葵」(北竜町)この夏一番の思い出です【スポーツ報知】
Former AKB Mariya Suzuki: The most memorable memory of this summer in Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido.

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