Murakami, a member of the Community Development Cooperation Corps, and others aim to make their "debut" at the Himawari Festival, featuring zangi and hamburgers using Hokuryu's specialty products.

Monday, May 1, 2023

The Internet site operated by Kita Sorachi Shimbun (Fukagawa City) carried an article (dated April 29) entitled "Zangi and hamburgers using Hokuryu's specialties, etc. Aiming for 'debut' at the Himawari Festival". The article is titled "Local Organizing Committee Members, Mr. Murakami and others, aim to make their debut at the Sunflower Festival.

北竜の「北竜の特産品使ったザンギやハンバーグなど 『ひまわりまつり』での〝デビュー〟目指す 地域おこし協力隊の村上さんら【北空知新聞】
Murakami and others from the Community Development Cooperation Volunteers aim to make their "debut" at the Himawari Festival, featuring Zangi and hamburgers made with Hokuryu's specialty products.
Hokuryu Town Portal

April 26, 2023 (Wed) On Tuesday, April 25, from 2:30 p.m., Mr. Nobuyuki Murakami and Ms. Yui Sasaki, members of the Hokuryu-cho Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers, hosted (planned...

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