NHK NEWS WEB] "I want to enliven Asahikawa with kendama," deepening exchange through kendama that transcends generations.

Tuesday, February 2, 2020

NHK's Hokkaido News Web site featured an article titled "'I want to enliven Asahikawa with kendama,' deepening exchange through kendama that transcends generations" (March 8, 2011). The article also introduces the activities of the Hokuryu Kendama Club (headed by Naoki Kishi).


“旭川をけん玉で盛り上げたい” 世代超えけん玉で交流深める【NHK NEWS WEB】
"I want to enliven Asahikawa with Kendama" - Kendama Promotes Interaction Across Generations [NHK NEWS WEB] (in Japanese only)

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