Video] A Giant Maze of 2 Million Sunflowers in Full Bloom, "Sunny" is written on the top of the maze in Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido [TBS NEWS DIG

Monday, August 8, 2022

TBS NEWS DIG (HBC Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) featured an article on the Hokuryu-cho Himawari-no Sato (Sunflower Village) on its website, titled "The Best View: 2 Million Sunflowers in Full Bloom.

圧巻 200万本のヒマワリ満開 巨大迷路を上から眺めると…『晴れ』の文字 北海道北竜町【TBS NEWS DIG】
圧巻 200万本のヒマワリ満開 巨大迷路を上から眺めると…『晴れ』の文字 北海道北竜町【TBS NEWS DIG】 The most impressive view: 2 million sunflowers in full bloom...
The word "HARU" is written in Hokuryu-cho, Hokkaido [TBS NEWS DIG].