Dongtoyaki" at Shinryu Shrine: heartfelt wishes for a bright world where plague and disease are banished and people are free from illness.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Yesterday, January 10 (Monday), "Dongtoyaki" was held at the Shinryu Shrine.

The "Dongtoyaki" is a solemn ritual to send the god of the New Year (the New Year's god responsible for fertility), and with the purifying power of sacred fire, people pray for a good harvest and good health throughout the year by driving away misfortune.

We thank you for a safe and happy New Year and sincerely hope that the world will be a bright place where plague and disease are banished and people are free from illness.

Dongtoyaki" ritual at the Shinryu Shrine 2022
The purifying power of sacred fire exorcises calamities!
Prayers for the eradication of epidemics, good health, and bountiful harvests!

◇ noboru & ikuko