• July 17, 2024

1 On the occasion of publication: Yasuhiro Sasaki, former chairman of the Hokuryu Town Council

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Sunflower Tourist Association, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations. Fifty years have passed since the Hokuryu-cho Tourist Association was established in 1972 with the late Mr. Yoshio Komatsu as the first [...].

  • July 17, 2024

1 On publication: Hirokuni Kitakiyo, former district representative director of Kitasorachi Agricultural Cooperative

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association. Looking back, the first Cherry Blossom Festival was held in Kompira Park in 1970, followed by the first Cherry Blossom Festival in 1991.

  • July 17, 2024

2 Establishment of the Tourism Association

Establishment of Hokuryu-cho Tourist Association Establishment of Hokuryu-cho Tourist Association The Hokuryu-cho Tourist Association was established on July 4, 1972, with Mr. Yoshio Komatsu as its chairman. The basic projects of the tourism association at the time of its establishment were as follows Development of local tourism and improvement and enhancement of facilities [...].

  • July 17, 2024

Participants wanted for "San-dan-no-taki Waterfall" sightseeing tour... [From the Joint Government Office Building].

Establishment of Hokuryu-cho Tourist Association "Sandan-no-taki Waterfall" Exploration Tourists Wanted... Hokuryu-cho Joint Town Hall Bulletin (July 1, 1973), Town Hall Edition No. 95, Hokuryu-cho Joint Town Hall, Liaison Association Manager: Tadashi Mori The Tourist Association and the Body Association have formed a joint association in the suburban area of [...]...

  • July 17, 2024

5 Major activities of tourist associations, etc.: Cherry blossom festival, environmental beautification campaign

Cherry Blossom Festival (1970 - 1991) The Cherry Blossom Festival was held in mid-May and drew a large crowd despite the busy farming season. Environmental beautification campaign Full of flowers campaign: installation of flower pots by the Women's Club of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VSP project [...])

  • July 17, 2024

Farmers' Action Organization "Multifunctional Payments" (Sunflower Road)

At first, sunflowers were planted on a 1.4 km long and 20 m wide farmland from the Wa district to the Wa city area and from the Sunflower Park to the Hekisui city area with a subsidy from the town as a tourist landscape crop. Later, the "Multi-functional Machinery Payment Project" was implemented in the rural area [...].