Hokuryu Town Related Information

  • June 3, 2024

Selling local specialties and dyeing experience at "Cooperative Marche" in Minamihoro on 23rd [Hokkaido Shimbun Digital] Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers from the Hokkaido region gathered in Minamihoro Town! Promoting the "Delicious" Products of Sorachi [Kita Sorachi Shimbun].

June 3, 2024 (Monday) The Hokkaido Shimbun Digital, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo), carried an article (dated May 30) titled "Selling Local Products and Dyeing Experience: 'Cooperative Marche' in Minamihoro on 23 [...]...

  • May 31, 2024

From children to adults! Why don't you come and play with "Hokuryu Kendama Club"? Come and join us! Sorachi

May 31, 2024 (Thursday) "Come on, Sorachi" operated by the Hokkaido Sorachi Sogo Shinko Bureaus! Sorachi", operated by the Hokkaido Sorachi Sogo Shinko Kyokai (Sorachi General Promotion Bureau), with the message, "From children to adults! Come and Play with Hokuryu Kendama Club" (dated May 30). Sorachi" (dated May 30), which is operated by the Hokkaido Sorachi General Promotional Administration Bureau.

  • May 8, 2024

Wishing for a Bumper Harvest in Autumn, and Wishing for No Accidents During Farming Work, Hokuryu Land Improvement District Holds Water Passage Ceremony at Etai-betsu Dam [Kita Sorachi Shimbun].

May 8, 2024 (Wed.) An article (dated May 8) titled "Wishing for a Bumper Harvest in Autumn and No Accidents During Farming, Hokuryu Land Improvement District Water Passage Ceremony at Etai-betsu Dam" appeared on the Internet site operated by the Kita-Kuuchi-Shimbun (Fukagawa City), introducing [...].