public organization

This is a public organization's information dissemination for the town of Hokuryu.

  • 2024年9月24日


2024年9月24日(火) 9月19日(木)10:00より、北竜町立真竜小学校(鎌田定男 校長)の5年生10人が、北竜町三谷の(株)高田さんの田んぼにて稲刈り体験を行いました。 稲刈り(高田 ファーム […]

  • September 11, 2024

2024 Autumn Festival and Fair at Shinryu Shrine (in the precincts of the shrine)A wonderful fair for the whole family to fill your heart with warmth and smiles.

September 11, 2024 (Wed.) On September 9 (Mon.), the day of the Manryu Shrine Autumn Festival, a fair was held at 3:00 p.m. in the premises of the Manryu Shrine by the Hokuryu Construction Industry Association Kenseikai and the Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women's Club. The event was held at the premises of the Manryu Shrine [...].