The history of sunflower tourism in Hokuryu-cho is all here! The full text of "Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourism Association 50th Anniversary Magazine" (A4 size, 123 pages) is now available digitally!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In February this year, the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourism Association (Chairman Yukio Takada) published "Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourism Association, 50th Anniversary Magazine" (A4 size, 123 pages).

The book carefully describes the footsteps of people who have been involved in the "revitalization of the town centering on sunflowers" of Hokuryu Town.

The editorial committee (chaired by Masahito Fujii) played a central role in the compilation of this booklet. Among them, Mr. Hideyuki Minami, as the lead author, invested a great deal of effort and time with passionate feelings to compile this commemorative booklet that exudes the hearts of the townspeople. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to him.

The Hokuryu Portal deeply sympathizes with the "heart for the town" of all concerned, and we have received permission to digitize the book in the hope that as many people as possible will read it through the Internet.

In order to make the text searchable and multilingual, we have converted all pages to text over the course of more than a month, rather than posting them in PDF format. Although we have converted more than 100 pages using text conversion software and have checked every single word, there may still be some typographical errors and omissions. We would appreciate your understanding and forgiveness in such cases, and we would be happy to hear from you.

We pray that the desire to share in the "spirit of harmony and compassion" of the people of Hokuryu Town will spread to the whole world.

Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association, 50th Anniversary Magazine.

❂ Issued by: Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association (Yukio Takada, Chairman)
❂ Editorial: Editorial Committee (Masahito Fujii, Chair)
Date of issue: February 2024
❂ Webcast: July 17, 2024 (Wed.) at Hokuryu Town Portal

Page Overview

🌻 Table of contents of "The 50th Anniversary of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association
🌻 Back cover of "Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association, 50th Anniversary Magazine


🌻 On the occasion of publication: Yukio Takada, Chairman, Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association
🌻 Former Hokuryu Town Council Chair Yasuhiro Sasaki (current Mayor)

発刊にあたって:北竜町ひまわり観光協会 会長 高田幸男
前北竜町議会議長 佐々木康宏(現町長)

🌻 Tourist Facilities in Hokuryu Town: 3) Sunflower Village
🌻 Memories of the Tourism Association: Mr. Tsutomu Sako, former chairman of the Hokuryu-cho Himawari Tourism Association

北竜町の観光施設:③ ひまわりの里
観光協会の思い出:前北竜町ひまわり観光協会会長・佐光勉 氏


Full text of "Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association 50th Anniversary Magazine" (A4 size, 123 pages) is digitized.

Hokuryu Town Portal

Hokuryu-cho is a happy town full of smiles and energy, where people "share the joy of...

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