Rules of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association



Rules of the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourist Association

(Name and office)
Article 1. This tourism association shall be called the Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Tourism Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Association"). The office shall be located in the Hokuryu Town Hall.

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the sound development and promotion of sunflower-centered tourism in Hokuryu Town and to contribute to the development of the industrial economy.

The Society shall carry out the following activities in order to achieve the objectives set forth in Article 2.
 1. tourism promotion and promotion to attract tourists
 2. protection and promotion of tourism resources
 3. promote the development of tourist facilities
 4. promotion of environmental beautification campaigns
 5. research and study of tourism business
 6. planning and promotion of tourism projects
 Cooperation and coordination with tourism organizations in Hokkaido
 Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society

Members of the Society shall be the Hokuryu Branch of the Kitasorachi Agricultural Cooperative Association, the Hokuryu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hokuryu Land Improvement District, the Himawari no Sato Shops Association, the Hokuryu Town Construction Association, special members of the Ryu Topia Association, and general members of organizations and businesses that support the objectives of the Society.
2 Supporting members of the Society shall be individuals who agree with the purpose of the Society.

The Society shall have the following officers.
 1 Chairman 1
 2. 2 vice presidents
 3. 9 directors
 4. 2 auditors

(Appointment of officers)
The officers shall be elected from among the members at the General Assembly.
(2) A person appointed under the preceding paragraph who holds an office of the Society shall be deemed to have resigned from the office of an officer of the Society when he/she ceases to hold such office, and his/her successor in office shall be deemed to have been appointed as an officer of the Society.

(Term of office of officers)
The term of office of the officers shall be two (2) years. However, reappointment shall not be precluded.
2 The term of office of an officer appointed to fill a vacancy shall be the remaining term of his/her predecessor.
3 Officers shall hold office after the expiration of their term of office until their successors assume office.

The President shall represent the Society, preside over the affairs of the Society, and chair the meetings.
2 The Vice President shall assist the President, and in the absence or disability of the President, shall perform his/her duties in the order previously determined by the President.
3 The Directors shall deliberate and promote the business of the Society.
4 The Auditors shall audit the business and accounting of the Society.

Article 9 The Society may have a few advisors.
2 The Advisors shall be appointed by the President with the vote of the Board of Directors.
3 The Advisors may participate in important affairs of the Society and express their opinions.

The meetings of the Society shall be the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
2 An ordinary general meeting shall be held once a year after the end of the fiscal year, and an extraordinary general meeting shall be held when deemed necessary by the Chairman.
3 The President shall convene a meeting of the Board of Directors whenever necessary.
4 The Executive Committee shall be convened by the Executive Director whenever necessary.

(Matters to be resolved at the general meeting)
The General Assembly shall deliberate and decide on the following matters
 Business Plan and Income and Expenditure Budget
 (2) Business Report and Settlement of Accounts
 3. changes to the Terms and Conditions
 4. matters related to the collection of membership fees
 5. other important matters deemed necessary in addition to the preceding paragraph

Decisions of the General Assembly shall be made by a majority of the members present, and in the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall decide.

(Secretariat and staff)
The Society shall have a Secretariat.
2 The Secretariat shall have the following staff members, who shall be appointed by the President.
 1. 1 Executive Director
 2. 1 Deputy Secretary General
 3. secretary A few secretaries
 4. a few secretariat staff

The Secretariat shall establish the following subcommittees
 1. business subcommittee
 Public Relations and Advertising Subcommittee
2. The subcommittees shall have a general manager and vice-general manager, who shall be elected by the secretaries.
3. The Divisions of the Technical Subcommittees shall be as follows
(1) The Business Subcommittee shall be responsible for the following matters
  (i) Matters related to planning and promotion of the Himawari Festival
  (ii) Other matters related to planning and promotion of tourism business
  (iii) Matters related to research and study of tourism business
(2) The Advertising and Public Relations Subcommittee shall be responsible for the following matters
  (i) Matters related to promotion of tourism promotion and attraction of tourists
  (ii) Matters related to research and study of tourism resources

(Fiscal year)
The fiscal year of the Society shall be from April 1 of each year to March 31 of the following year.

(Payment of expenses)
Expenses of the Society shall be paid by membership fees, subsidies, donations, etc.
When officers and employees travel for the purpose of performing their duties, they shall receive travel expenses as compensation for the expenses incurred in performing their duties.
Necessary matters other than these Rules and Regulations shall be determined by the President with the vote of the Board of Directors.

supplementary provisions
These Rules and Regulations shall go into effect on April 16, 2007.


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